Are you burnt out? Do you feel like life’s passing you by? Is your inner critic going nonstop? If you’ve been wishing for some kind of shift, you’re in the right place! Listen and learn how to stop the negative voices. Conquer your limiting beliefs and learn how to breathe, laugh, and live in your joy. Find your way to an aligned, clear, and focused path doing what YOU want to do. Get inspired as leaders, healers, and change agents discuss the challenges they’ve overcome as they give you their message of HOPE. Through humor, compassion, and grace, you’re reminded that anything is possible, and it’s never too late to live your purpose, do what lights you up, and create extraordinary things. This podcast is for you if you find yourself asking questions like: - How do I succeed on my self-improvement journey? - What is the most effective meditation technique? - How do I stop feeling so overwhelmed and tired? - Is journaling effective? - How does manifestation work? - What are affirmations? - Is breathwork for me? Learn how to replace your inner critic with a kind, nurturing, and compassionate one. Find your way to personal growth and replace that lack mentality with a mindset of abundance. Listen and feel the magic right away!

Wednesday Jan 11, 2023
How to Heal Your Relationship with Money with Dr. Amanda Barrientez
Wednesday Jan 11, 2023
Wednesday Jan 11, 2023
Are you ready to take your financial potential and sense of abundance to the next level?
Today’s guest, Dr. Amanda Barrientez– AKA “The Money Healer” – joins Lauren on this week’s episode to offer you tips and tricks to begin manifesting a new sense of abundance in your life. Her beliefs about money stem from this philosophy:
“Everything that you get in your current money reality is an outcome of your subconscious belief system… Most of us never stop to think, ‘What do I believe about money?” (9:41)
After her marriage ended and her time as a single parent began, the pressure to manage money and make ends meet pushed her into the entrepreneurial realm. After going from food stamps to building a 6-figure business fast, she's been on a quest to teach entrepreneurs how to transform their relationship to money so they can work less, make more, and have fun.
“At every new level of yourself, you reach and learn new subconscious layers of your mind, and so the journey never ends. And so, for me, you know, it started with, ‘Oh, I own my power as a woman in the world, and it’s OK to be a breadwinner. It’s OK to be a money maker. It’s OK to be a powerhouse woman.’” (12:17)
In this episode, we explore various tools to build your confidence as a money maker, we dive deep into how you can utilize manifestation to foster success and abundance, as well as discuss the details of her recent book, I Am a Money Magnet.
In this episode:
- (1:06) How she built her business to success
- (4:46) Developing a rate as a new entrepreneur
- (8:17) How Dr. Amanda overcame her limiting beliefs
- (12:56) Working less and making more is possible
- (14:17) How to utilize manifestation principles
- (16:44) Dr. Amanda’s book, I Am a Money Magnet
- (18:39) Dr. Amanda’s starter affirmation statements
- (22:41) The importance of celebrating your wins
- (24:50) The hardest challenge she’s had to overcome
- (25:36) Dr. Amanda’s message of hope
Dr. Amanda Barrientez, also known as “The Money Healer,” is an entrepreneur and coach that helps others reframe their relationship with money while giving them the tools to foster and manifest abundance in their lives. She is the founder of NFA – No Fucking Around – Money and the host of her podcast The Woman Entrepreneur.
Resources & Links
52 Weeks of Hope
- https://www.52weeksofhope.com
- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyLA7Rb6E0PtKBhPGu1vcjA
- https://www.facebook.com/52weeksofhope
- https://www.instagram.com/52weeksofhope
- https://www.twitter.com/52weeksofhope
Dr. Amanda
- https://www.youtube.com/c/NFAMoney?app=desktop
- https://www.nfamoney.com/
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/nfamoney/
- https://www.instagram.com/nfamoney/
- https://www.facebook.com/NFAMoney/
- https://www.amazon.com/Am-Money-Magnet-AffirMantras-Manifest/dp/B0BPVS9H24
- https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-woman-entrepreneur-podcast/id1456965803

Friday Jan 06, 2023
Friday Jan 06, 2023
Is your inner critic going nonstop? Do you feel like life's passing you by? Listen as Lauren outlines the three phase process to clarity and confidence in your life. Learn how to take intentional, purposeful steps instead of haphazard ones. You get to stop beating yourself up and step into self-compassion. Get clear and aligned with your path.
“It’s not like some people deserve it and not you. No. You deserve the life of your dreams!” (15:59)
Enjoy these new Confidence and Clarity episodes each week and listen as Lauren walks you through each of the three phases in easy, relatable ways with others going through similar struggles.
And if you want to book your own Confidence and Clarity Boost Session, visit my website for more information. They’re filling up fast, so snag a spot today!
In this episode:
- (1:19) Phase 1: Stop the Backward Slide
- (8:30) Phase 2: Initiate Positive Momentum
- (15:40) Phase 3: Achieve the Life You Deserve
Resources & Links
52 Weeks of Hope

Wednesday Jan 04, 2023
The Secret to Skin Care with Dr. Fayne Frey
Wednesday Jan 04, 2023
Wednesday Jan 04, 2023
Is the subliminal messaging fed to you through the media making you feel like you’re not good enough, like your skin just isn’t glowy, dewy, tight, clear, etc. enough?
The skincare market often spins a narrative that the products they sell are the key to anti-aging, hydration, a glossy appearance, etc. But the truth is that these products have little to do with what our bodies actually need. In this episode of 52 Weeks of Hope, dermatologist and author of The Skincare Hoax, Dr. Fayne Frey, joins me to break down how to know what your body requires, understanding these cues, and how consumers can approach the variety of products that are available.
“What do consumers do? They’ve gotta get educated. They’ve gotta understand these little nuances. It will totally change the way they purchase products.” (8:21)
We also talk about the importance of applying sunscreen every day because protection is key! As long as your skin is moisturized and protected, you’re doing your body a huge favor and simultaneously slowing the aging process. Lastly, she discusses the process of writing her recent book and the message she wants to send individuals across the globe.
“I always tell women to look in the mirror and say these four little words, ‘Dear me, I’m awesome.’” (23:40)
In this episode:
- (1:34) The catalyst that fueled Dr. Frey’s recent book
- (5:13) How to become an informed consumer
- (8:30) Understanding what your body needs
- (12:18) How to know which moisturizers are the best
- (14:31) Where “Fayne” comes from and the importance of sunscreen
- (17:57) The process of writing her book and understanding gratitude
- (21:10) The most difficult challenge in her life
- (22:52) Dr. Frey’s message of hope
Dr. Fayne Frey is a New York-based dermatologist that has been practicing for over 30 years. Her mission is to serve others, specifically women, in her area on their mission to give their body what it actually needs. After writing her book, The Skincare Hoax, she’s also trying to help others understand the skincare market and why marketing may be keeping you stuck in the cycle of buying products that won’t have the results you’re ultimately looking for.
Resources & Links
52 Weeks of Hope
- https://www.52weeksofhope.com
- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyLA7Rb6E0PtKBhPGu1vcjA
- https://www.facebook.com/52weeksofhope
- https://www.instagram.com/52weeksofhope
- https://www.twitter.com/52weeksofhope
Dr. Fayne Frey
- https://www.fryface.com/
- https://www.instagram.com/fryfaceofficial/
- https://twitter.com/FryFace_
- https://www.facebook.com/FryFaceLLC

Wednesday Dec 28, 2022
How to Start Taking Action Toward Your Goals
Wednesday Dec 28, 2022
Wednesday Dec 28, 2022
Does your to-do list ever feel overwhelming, like you can’t seem to finish the things you started? Do you have goals and dreams sitting on a shelf, waiting for their moment?
It’s a very human struggle, and all of us, at one point or another, have experienced the difficulty of completing that which we’ve set out to do. But no matter how slowly you inch forward, we must keep going!
In today’s episode, we’re talking about the importance of having a community to support you in achieving your goals and how to build and sustain that community. We also touch on the Clarity and Confidence Boost sessions that are currently available and how they’re helping people in this podcast community take that next step forward in their lives.
“Pick the one thing that’s going to fill you up and bring you joy more than any other, and with that one, have an accountability partner.” (1:50)
Always remember that the world, the universe, is on your side. Listen to your intuition, surround yourself with good people, and watch the universe meet you in the middle.
“When you start taking action towards your dream, the universe will rise up to meet you exactly as your dream should be.” (8:13)
In this episode:
- (0:47) The power of having an accountability partner
- (4:03) Why a group of like-minded people can offer support
- (6:22) Book a free Clarity and Confidence Boost session!
- (10:47) One tip to find joy and peace this holiday season
Resources & Links
52 Weeks of Hope
- https://www.52weeksofhope.com
- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyLA7Rb6E0PtKBhPGu1vcjA
- https://www.facebook.com/52weeksofhope
- https://www.instagram.com/52weeksofhope
- https://www.twitter.com/52weeksofhope

Wednesday Dec 21, 2022
The Best Lessons Learned in 2022
Wednesday Dec 21, 2022
Wednesday Dec 21, 2022
2022 was a challenging year for many people, so if you struggled to regulate or find joy and peace in the chaos at one point or another, you’re not alone.
In today’s episode, I’m looking back at 2022, and we break down some of the realizations and lessons I personally gathered throughout this year. From something as simple as taking a break from reading the newspaper, to deeper ones such as sharing how we can keep living positively and joyfully by staying true to our authentic selves.
“Take a deep breath and then let it out. Breathe in love, and breathe out all that anxiety or whatever it is that’s bothering you.” (7:19)
We also talk about how piling things on your plate can make life stressful, finding the joy in what you do by honoring your passions, and why celebrating your accomplishments is an important part of your journey! You don’t want to miss out on this episode as we talk about all the nuggets of truth that we’ve collected this year.
“Remember to focus on the good and surround yourself with positive people who you can be your authentic self with. Practice positive self-talk and get outside at least once a day for your mental well being.” (18:05)
In this episode:
- (0:50) It’s OK to skip the news a couple times a week
- (2:57) Joy is a necessary part of life
- (5:16) Take time to breathe deeply
- (7:44) Try to avoid putting too much on your plate
- (9:20) Your friendships matter
- (11:35) Treasure every moment, especially with the people you love
- (13:16) Celebrate your accomplishments
- (13:56) There’s truth in those cliches
- (14:56) Be true to your authentic self
Resources & Links
52 Weeks of Hope
- https://www.52weeksofhope.com
- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyLA7Rb6E0PtKBhPGu1vcjA
- https://www.facebook.com/52weeksofhope
- https://www.instagram.com/52weeksofhope
- https://www.twitter.com/52weeksofhope
- https://app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule/76711c7a?showHeader=true

Wednesday Dec 14, 2022
Harnessing Your Energy and Healing with Catherine Grace O’Connell
Wednesday Dec 14, 2022
Wednesday Dec 14, 2022
Where can we go when we feel we’ve hit rock bottom, and what change is required to come back from the brink?
Catherine Grace O’Connell, ageism positivist, the founder of Forever Fierce: Midlife Matters, and CEO of MODlife Media, knows this undertaking well. After experiencing abuse and trauma in a previous marriage and battling lyme disease which almost took her life, Catherine is joining us today to discuss how she found healing through a range of outlets: energy, mantras, intentions, nodes, perseverance, and more.
“I’m gonna go for everything. I’m going to go for my dreams. I’m gonna go for the moon, and, you know, what have I got to lose? I’ve pretty much lost whatever I could, right? Coming from zero, I might as well go for it.” (11:56)
Though Catherine has been through an immense amount of grief in her life, her attitude is as positive as ever, and it is her dedication to aligning her nodes and sustaining her midlife that allow her to nurture her dreams. In this episode, she offers guidance on how to push forward and make your way back when you’re lost or on the wrong path.
“If it’s not propelling you forward, it’s either keeping you stuck or pushing you backwards, right? So energy is so important. Do what it is that fuels you and pushes you forward. Our dreams pull us forward.” (23:01)
Catherine’s unique journey back to health and wellness and becoming an entrepreneur was not without its challenges, but today she’s sharing her best tips with us so that we may also achieve the hope, love, knowledge, and peace we deserve. Your journey is special, so tune in today to learn more about how you can combat negative self-talk, understand fear, set intentions, and more!
“We have the power to bring hope to ourselves.” (30:19)
In This Episode
- (1:02) Introducing Catherine Grace O’Connell
- (1:47) When Catherine hit rock bottom and her near death experience
- (7:38) Catherine discusses the power of bedtime intentions
- (10:11) A break down of midlife, nodes, and transformations
- (11:30) How to know when you’re on the wrong track, change course, and support your inner child
- (14:25) Understanding fear and ego
- (16:41) Catherine shares her superpower and how to combat negative self-talk
- (22:27) The most common question people ask Catherine
- (22:33) Catherine’s message of hope
- (26:11) Making friends at Midlife and beyond
Catherine Grace O’Connell is an Ageism Positivist, an Empowerment Cat-alyst, the founder of Forever Fierce: MIdlife Matters, a global Facebook community dedicated to supporting and celebrating the Modern Midlife Woman, and the CEO of MODlife Media, a female-focused message-based digital media agency. She whole-heartedly believes in the deep connection between Mind, Body, and Spirit and a Midlife “where women live both inside out and outside in.”
Resources & Links
52 Weeks of Hope
- Website: https://www.52weeksofhope.com
- YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyLA7Rb6E0PtKBhPGu1vcjA
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/52weeksofhope
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/52weeksofhope
- Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/52weeksofhope
Catherine Grace O'Connell
- Website: https://catherinegraceo.com
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/catherinegraceo/?hl=en
- Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/mastering-modern-midlife/id1475278162
- YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAlQZNyNI66UZbzqxlL0PFA
- TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@catherinegraceo?_t=8XDgHI056Tr&_r=1
- Forever Fierce Facebook Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/TheFierce50/?mibextid=HsNCOg
- Catherine’s Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/catherinegraceo/

Wednesday Dec 07, 2022
Surrendering Yourself to New Possibilities with Kute Blackson
Wednesday Dec 07, 2022
Wednesday Dec 07, 2022
How do we remain open and available to the possibilities that life has to offer us?
It’s a question that we all fight to understand and unravel for our growth and transformation at one point or another. In today's episode, inspirational speaker, bestselling author, and self-help coach Kute Blackson is here to share how he embodies this vulnerability and openness.
"When we dare to follow our soul, when we follow our soul without compromise, I really believe that we will always end up in the right place and we’ll always be guided in the right path even though the route that we take may not be the one we most expect…” (7:22)
When Kute was growing up in Ghana, he was surrounded by the power of spirituality through his father’s role as the head of a collection of churches across the area; by the time he turned 14, he was ordained as a minister and on track to take over his father’s position. Although he has a huge heart for helping and supporting others, he knew his purpose was calling him away from Ghana and from the world he had always known.
“These great people, they all at some point, they surrendered themselves. They surrendered themselves to life. They surrendered themselves to a purpose bigger than themselves… In that surrender, they transcended their own human limitations… and they tap into another dimension of true potentiality, and life was able to use them…” (17:57)
Today, he discusses his journey to Los Angeles, writing his famous book The Magic of Surrender, how we can encourage our growth and transformation, and how he supports others on their unique journeys.
“Each and everyone of us has the power and the control to change ourselves.” (42:05)
In This Episode:
- (1:16) Kute shares his upbringing and journey to Los Angeles
- (11:23) How The Magic of Surrender came to be and what “surrender” means
- (24:03) How we can encourage growth and transformation in ourselves
- (31:21) The practice of creating time for yourself
- (32:29) Kute shares how he moved through his greatest challenges
- (38:43) Kute Blackson’s message of hope
Kute Blackson is an inspirational speaker, bestselling author, and self-help coach to a community of people across the globe. After growing up in Ghana, being deeply invested in the power of spirituality, and becoming ordained at 14, he decided to leave that path behind. As a young man, he traveled the world and made his way to Los Angeles, where he developed a business and wrote a book centered on assisting others in their journeys through life.
Resources & Links
52 Weeks of Hope
- https://www.52weeksofhope.com
- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyLA7Rb6E0PtKBhPGu1vcjA
- https://www.facebook.com/52weeksofhope
- https://www.instagram.com/52weeksofhope
- https://www.twitter.com/52weeksofhope
Kute Blackson

Wednesday Nov 30, 2022
Utilizing Feng Shui in Your Space with Pamela Abbott-Mouchou and Lauren Bragg
Wednesday Nov 30, 2022
Wednesday Nov 30, 2022
How do you align your energy when things are feeling a bit off in your home, your relationships, and maybe your life as a whole?
Mother/daughter duo Pamela Abbott-Mouchou and Lauren Bragg, founders of The Feng Shui Collective, know how common this sentiment is, and that’s why they built a business to help people realign and refine the energy in their space.
“Feng shui is all about change. It’s about creating the change that you want to see in your life, and what we like to say is, ‘It’s a tool where you can be the architect of change in your life as opposed to always being the victim of circumstances.” – Lauren Bragg (3:52)
Through the art and science of feng shui, Pamela and Lauren encourage others to shake things up and shift perspectives by moving furniture, decluttering spaces, removing things that hold negative energy, and more. Everything has an energy, and they believe in paying attention to the influence material things have on us.
“Your spaces not only reflect you; they affect you.” – Pamela (6:28)
Their mission is one of an outward and inward nature, and they are embarking on an expedition to equip everyone with the tool that is feng shui.
“Feng shui is for everybody.” – Pamela (39:03)
In This Episode:
- (0:56) Introducing Pamela and Lauren
- (3:14) Feng shui 101
- (8:13) Setting intentions
- (10:33) Energy in the home
- (15:46) Do’s and Don’ts for your space
- (24:35) How Pamela and Lauren shift and process their energies
- (28:11) Taking steps toward alignment
- (34:35) Exercising your social muscle
- (36:53) Pamela and Lauren’s messages of hope
Pamela Abbott-Mouchou and Lauren Bragg are a mother/daughter duo that created The Feng Shui Collective to help others refine their home’s energy, set intentions, and achieve mindfulness. With their workshops and personalized home visits, their business specializes in supporting individuals and families on their journey to alignment in their homes and lives in a sustainable and introspection-centered way.
Resources & Links
52 Weeks of Hope
- https://www.52weeksofhope.com
- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyLA7Rb6E0PtKBhPGu1vcjA
- https://www.facebook.com/52weeksofhope
- https://www.instagram.com/52weeksofhope
- https://www.twitter.com/52weeksofhope
Pamela Abbott-Mouchou and Lauren Bragg
- https://www.fengshuicollective.com/our-story.html
- https://www.instagram.com/fengshuicollective/?hl=en
- https://www.facebook.com/groups/thefengshuicollective/
- https://www.fengshuicollective.com/uploads/8/1/7/9/81799768/new_bagua-2.png

Wednesday Nov 23, 2022
How to Cultivate Gratitude in Your Everyday Life
Wednesday Nov 23, 2022
Wednesday Nov 23, 2022
We all lead busy lives. With careers to think about, kids to raise, bills to pay, friends to spend time with, and more on our plates, we sometimes forget to practice gratitude.
But today’s episode is all about offering you tips to make practicing gratitude a part of your everyday life and how a tiny shift can enact big change!
“When you are grateful, it raises not just your vibrational frequency, it raises the dopamine in your brain, and it’s tied to a greater happiness.”
A huge part of cultivating gratitude is pouring into the people we love, celebrating their accomplishments, and showing up when they need a helping hand or an understanding ear. When we play an active role in the lives of others, our sense of gratitude is magnified. If you listened to the episode about friendship a few weeks back, you know that being in relationship with others is truly one of the most human things we can do.
“People want to feel known and seen. That’s what you really want… And in order to do that, you have to have relationships with people. You have to be vulnerable. And when you have that, that’s when gratitude comes about.”
Whether you want to exchange gratitude lists with friends, speak out your gratitude throughout the day, or write a letter of gratitude to yourself, it is certainly something to be shared with others. Speak it into existence, celebrate every joy, and always remember that your unique existence has the potential to bring immense good to the world.
“Let your gratitude be known. Don’t hold it in. Share your gratitude, or at least write yourself a gratitude letter. Do something to share the gratitude…”
In This Episode:
- (0:35) Diving into gratitude
- (2:27) The proven benefits of gratitude
- (3:25) How you can practice being grateful
- (8:55) Flexing that social muscle
- (13:58) Step outside your comfort zone, give yourself grace, and enjoy the journey
- (16:04) Celebrate the people in your circle and live out your unique life
Resources & Links
52 Weeks of Hope
- https://www.52weeksofhope.com
- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyLA7Rb6E0PtKBhPGu1vcjA
- https://www.facebook.com/52weeksofhope
- https://www.instagram.com/52weeksofhope
- https://www.twitter.com/52weeksofhope

Wednesday Nov 16, 2022
How to Live Your Dream and Cultivating Gratitude with Sam Lamott
Wednesday Nov 16, 2022
Wednesday Nov 16, 2022
Creativity and curiosity go hand in hand, and today’s guest lives out this philosophy in his personal life as well as his business endeavors.
Speaker, creator, host of How to Human podcast, and single father Sam Lamott is no stranger to the depths and challenges that come with addiction, mental health struggles, and loneliness. After spending ten years addicted to meth and then emerging from that addiction with a lot to learn about life in his early 20’s, he has built a big and beautiful life for himself, and he’s on today’s episode to share some of his journey.
“I’ve worked really hard to acknowledge the pain and hardship that I’ve been through and also not let it become some ‘Get Out of Jail Free’ card that I carry around with me anytime I’m not behaving as my spirit would want me to behave, that the highest version of myself dreams for me.”
As we dive into discussing some of what Sam learned from the darker seasons of his life and the challenges that he faced, he also shares some of his personal and professional victories and accomplishments that have come in the last few years. His journey ultimately tells a story of community, discipline, perseverance, and an adherence to the belief that we are humans with valuable things to offer the world.
“I think our feelings are clues, and your job is to be a detective. And really what your job is is to figure out how you can be the most you you can be. So my job everyday is to be the most Sam I can be and really to try and capture and honor my Sam-ness and express that in the world.”
Sam truly believes in the practice of gratitude and the gift of curiosity. Life can be tragic, but it can also be beautiful, rich, and full.
“Gratitude is a great practice. It definitely helps to focus on what’s going right.”
In This Episode:
- (1:02) Introduction to Sam
- (1:39) Why no one is more curious about being a human being than Sam
- (5:54) Sam’s podcast and significant episodes
- (8:54) Beginning How to Human
- (9:40) Sam’s new business venture - “Living Legacies”
- (14:09) The lessons he’s learned and challenges he’s overcome
- (17:55) Wisdom about discipline and regret
- (19:42) The struggle against negative self-talk
- (23:17) Structure, routine, and journaling
- (24:01) The importance of community
- (25:15) Sam’s message of hope
Sam Lamott is a speaker, single dad, college drop-out, entrepreneur, and ex-meth addict who came out of a ten-year bender at the age of twenty-two with severe clinical depression, a two-year-old, and a lot of life skills to learn. Sam lives his life by the philosophy that there is nobody more genuinely curious about how to be a human being than him and that gratitude will take you a long way.
Resources & Links
52 Weeks of Hope
- https://www.52weeksofhope.com
- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyLA7Rb6E0PtKBhPGu1vcjA
- https://www.facebook.com/52weeksofhope
- https://www.instagram.com/52weeksofhope
- https://www.twitter.com/52weeksofhope
Sam Lamott
- http://www.hellohumans.co
- https://www.instagram.com/hellohumans.co/
- https://www.facebook.com/hellohumans.co/
- https://twitter.com/HelloHumans_co
- https://www.youtube.com/c/hellohumans
- sam@hellohumans.co