Are you burnt out? Do you feel like life’s passing you by? Is your inner critic going nonstop? If you’ve been wishing for some kind of shift, you’re in the right place! Listen and learn how to stop the negative voices. Conquer your limiting beliefs and learn how to breathe, laugh, and live in your joy. Find your way to an aligned, clear, and focused path doing what YOU want to do. Get inspired as leaders, healers, and change agents discuss the challenges they’ve overcome as they give you their message of HOPE. Through humor, compassion, and grace, you’re reminded that anything is possible, and it’s never too late to live your purpose, do what lights you up, and create extraordinary things. This podcast is for you if you find yourself asking questions like: - How do I succeed on my self-improvement journey? - What is the most effective meditation technique? - How do I stop feeling so overwhelmed and tired? - Is journaling effective? - How does manifestation work? - What are affirmations? - Is breathwork for me? Learn how to replace your inner critic with a kind, nurturing, and compassionate one. Find your way to personal growth and replace that lack mentality with a mindset of abundance. Listen and feel the magic right away!

Wednesday Nov 09, 2022
Fostering Friendship, Community, and Connection with Marisa G. Franco
Wednesday Nov 09, 2022
Wednesday Nov 09, 2022
Strangers are just friends waiting to happen, and building connections is the most natural thing we can do as humans.
This week, New York Times bestselling author, professor, and psychologist Marisa G. Franco joins us to discuss finding the beauty and value in friendship, how to cultivate these platonic relationships, the positivity that can come from developing a community, and how she found healing when she began to look beyond romantic relationships and instead started to prioritize friendship.
As Lauren and Marisa unpack the science of connection, Marisa touches on the art of nurturing deeper connections and how to work through the fear that can often come when we open ourselves up to others. She believes the connections we build support everything – our health, our motivation, our work, and our sense of who we are – and wants to equip individuals with the tools to move past that initial discomfort.
“When we're vulnerable, we underestimate how positively people perceive us. And it's also true with affection. When we share affection toward people, we underestimate how much they like it, overestimate how awkward it is. When we reach out to a friend to reconnect, we underestimate just how much they'll value it. When we say ‘no’ to someone, we overestimate how negatively they'll respond to it. So you know, across the board we see that generally the world is safer than our brain is telling us and that our brain tends to remember all these negative experiences and ignore all of the positives.”
Everyone has the capacity to develop intimate and steadfast friendships that enrich the quality of our lives, and Marisa is here today to support you on that journey!
“For friendship to happen, someone has to be brave, so be brave!”
In this episode:
- (01:04) - Making friends as an adult
- (04:30) - Examining the expectations around romantic love and friendship
- (06:26) - The Liking Gap and fear of rejection
- (09:47) - How your friendships shift in different seasons of life
- (14:26) - Vulnerability as a strength, not a burden
- (16:34) - “Shared vulnerability” and developing familiarity
- (19:04) - The role of social igniters
- (20:14) - The science of loneliness and how to combat isolation
- (23:07) - Marisa’s message of hope
- (23:48) - Overcoming covert avoidance
Professor and speaker Dr. Marisa G. Franco has helped dozens of people all over the world by sharing her knowledge and research about friendship and the different relationships we build in our lifetime. As the New York Times bestselling author of the book Platonic, she carefully digests the science of connection and brings platonic relationships to the foreground by leveling the hierarchy between romantic love and the friendships that we form. Her works have been featured in major outlets like Psychology Today, Scientific American, and The New York Times.
Resources & Links
52 Weeks of Hope
- https://www.52weeksofhope.com
- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyLA7Rb6E0PtKBhPGu1vcjA
- https://www.facebook.com/52weeksofhope
- https://www.instagram.com/52weeksofhope
- https://www.twitter.com/52weeksofhope
Marisa G. Franco
- https://drmarisagfranco.com/
- https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/experts/marisa-franco-phd
- https://twitter.com/DrMarisaGFranco
- https://instagram.com/DrMarisaGFranco
- https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/676695/platonic-by-marisa-g-franco-phd/

Wednesday Nov 02, 2022
Overcoming Trauma and Moving on with Elena Breese
Wednesday Nov 02, 2022
Wednesday Nov 02, 2022
Trauma is an emotional response to a negative event. The effects of trauma can be overwhelming and difficult to understand and heal from. Oftentimes, coping from trauma can be difficult. But coming to realize that you need healing is the first step in recovery.
Today’s guest, Elena Breese, survived the Boston Marathon terror attack. As someone who has been through such a traumatic event, Elena learned and discovered that healing does arrive–it just takes time.
“Oh, it took time. I think the most important part of it was just being open-minded enough to be willing to try. Although it didn't feel fast when I was going through it because I just, I've tried everything and I continue to try things and I'm so grateful that I live right now when so much money and research and dedication is going into mental health.”
In this episode, Elena talks about letting go of the things that are holding you back, the joy in “looking up”, and learning that life has so much more to offer despite the chaos.
“Ok. Well I think, I think it's important to have many different things that you can reach for, because anyone who has anxiety, depression or PTSD knows that a tool will work for a while and then it won't be as effective anymore.”
In this episode:
- (1:07) - The trauma of the Boston Marathon terror attack
- (2:46) - The beginning of healing
- (6:02) - Learning about your triggers
- (10:07) - Healing takes time
- (11:20) - Digitals apps that help
- (13:41) - Journaling and meditation
- (16:38) - ancient healing methods
- (21:45 - Leaning into your life’s purpose
- (23:50) - The value in helping others
Elena is a Boston Marathon bombing survivor and lives with post-traumatic stress disorder. Through her website, Still Blooming Me, Elena shares how she learned to embrace her trauma and mental challenges, advocate for herself, and grow from her experience. She is passionate about bringing awareness about PTSD and sharing resources that have helped her heal. Elena has contributed to various blogs, podcasts, and speaks publicly.
Resources & Links
52 Weeks of Hope
Resources & Links
52 Weeks of Hope
- https://www.52weeksofhope.com
- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyLA7Rb6E0PtKBhPGu1vcjA
- https://www.facebook.com/52weeksofhope
- https://www.instagram.com/52weeksofhope
- https://www.twitter.com/52weeksofhope
Elena Breese

Thursday Oct 27, 2022
Being Your Authentic Self
Thursday Oct 27, 2022
Thursday Oct 27, 2022
What does being authentic mean to you? Authenticity happens when your words, actions, and behaviors consistently match your core identity. But many people struggle with expressing themselves openly, figuring out who they are, and knowing what they want out of life.
The good news is there are concrete, actionable ways to start fully expressing your best self.
Today’s episode is all about learning how to be your authentic self and fostering that authentic connection with the people around us.
In this episode:
- (2:25) - Sparking connection through conversation
- (6:40) - Human resilience
- (7:30) - Using your inner voice as guidance
- (10:22) - Snapping out of self-doubt
- (12:22) - Everyone has their own path
- (13:02) - Everyone has a purpose
Resources & Links
52 Weeks of Hope

Wednesday Oct 19, 2022
The Secret to Tapping Into Your Intuition
Wednesday Oct 19, 2022
Wednesday Oct 19, 2022
Do you ever get that ‘knowing’ feeling? That gentle persuasion you feel when something is off or correct? That’s your intuition! It speaks to us in whispers, but the impact is strong. Our intuition is our built-in guidance system that helps us make better decisions in life. Unfortunately, many of us ignore it.
Today’s episode is all about learning how to tap into your intuition; how to know what your superpower is; and how to build that confidence from within. I also share with you some of my favorite practices and tools that help me stay grounded and connected to my internal compass.
In this episode:
- (1:42) - How to tap into your intuition
- (2:48) - The importance of stillness and quietness
- (6:25) - Taking action towards your dream
- (8:01) - Being more confident
- (10:26) - Finding your superpower
- (11:52) - Finding community
- (14:08) - Gratitude and joy
Resources & Links
52 Weeks of Hope

Wednesday Oct 12, 2022
Rekindling Your Creative Spark with Jacob Nordby
Wednesday Oct 12, 2022
Wednesday Oct 12, 2022
Losing creative momentum happens even to the best of us. We start a project and stow it under the table, we say we’d work on it later and before we know it, we've altogether lost the energy to get back to it.
Today’s guest, Jacob Nordby, has been on that same creative quicksand. As someone who has struggled in finding their footing, Jacob found a way to emerge from that trap. He shares with us that being creative is very much the same as being alive, and that to live is to create.
“Creativity is the life force that's within each of us. And if we look at it that way, it's meant to run through every part of our life. Just like blood runs through all of our veins, or sap runs through every branch and twig of a tree. And when we start to see it that way, we can begin to take back the power of creating artful lives. You know?”
In this episode, Jacob shares with us how to live our dreams and find that creative spark again. He also teaches us to embody our unique creative identity and to always be hopeful for the future.
“What is very rarely asked is, what is true inside of me? Who am I? And so, if you think about a caterpillar that turns into a butterfly or an egg that eventually becomes an eagle or something, a caterpillar never transforms into an eagle. A caterpillar only becomes what is already in its design.”
In this episode:
- (1:16) - Overcoming life’s challenges
- (7:24) - How to be your unique creative self
- (11:10) - Jacob’s three-step creative process
- (12:39) - Understanding the creative transformation
- (16:58) - Creating the life you want to live
- (19:39) - The hardest challenge Jacob has overcome
- (22:08) - Learning how to listen to ourselves
- (25:21) - The importance of slowing down
- (27:01) - Focusing on consistency over energy
- (32:52) - Jacob’s unique message of hope
Jacob Nordby is a writer, creative guide, and entrepreneur living in Boise, Idaho. You might find him on a trail in the nearby foothills or typing away in the quietest corner of a coffee shop downtown. He is the founder of The Institute for Creative Living and the Heal + Create project and community.
Learn more about his other books, speaking, online courses, and creative guidance sessions by visiting www.jacobnordby.com
Resources & Links
52 Weeks of Hope
- https://www.52weeksofhope.com
- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyLA7Rb6E0PtKBhPGu1vcjA
- https://www.facebook.com/52weeksofhope
- https://www.instagram.com/52weeksofhope
- https://www.twitter.com/52weeksofhope
Jacob Norby

Wednesday Oct 05, 2022
The Art of Being Multi-Passionate with Jennie O’Connor
Wednesday Oct 05, 2022
Wednesday Oct 05, 2022
They say “a jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one.” This rings true for this week’s guest, Jennie O’Connor. Oftentimes, we’re told to focus on one thing only, but Jennie challenges that by being ‘multi-passionate’.
Jennie O’Connor, self-confessed creative fairy godmother, helps leaders and squirrel-brained entrepreneurs in clarifying their million-dollar ideas. She joins us in this episode to teach us the importance of being intentional with our goals and how we spend our energy.
“It's about being intentional. I think that especially women in today's society have this belief that we have to be nice. Like that's the number one thing that everybody expects of us. And that means saying yes to too many things. Elizabeth Gilbert brings up a really good point. She says it's not about saying no to the things that you don't wanna do, it's actually about saying no to a lot of things that you do want to do because what you most want to do is most important.”
In this episode, Jennie also talks about shutting down our inner critics and refining our creative voices. She emphasizes the power we hold within ourselves and the value of finding an effective system that works for you.
“What I have found that works best for me, and I agree that the reason I've had to try out all these other systems to see if they work is because everyone sort of needs their own unique system. And I do work with people to help them create the one that works for them.”
In this episode:
- (01:11) - Defining “multi-passionate”
- (03:28) - Honing in on your superpower
- (5:42) - How to create time
- (11:17) - Taking that leap of faith
- (14:48) - Silencing your inner critic
- (16:03) - Mastering time management
- (16:46) - Jennie’s 5 Priorities System
- (18:33) - Overcoming fear and insecurity
- (23:02) - Emerging stronger from life’s challenges
- (27:02) - Jennie’s unique message of hope
Host of Multi-Passionate Like a Boss Podcast, creative marketing consultant, author, and artist. Jennie O’Connor makes content and courses that help you create your dreams, make them real and live in them. Jennie has aided countless squirrel-brained entrepreneurs in clarifying their Million Dollar Idea, nailing their messaging, and getting audaciously visible. Flexible structure is the not-so-secret sauce she utilizes to help her students thrive.
Resources & Links
52 Weeks of Hope
- https://www.52weeksofhope.com
- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyLA7Rb6E0PtKBhPGu1vcjA
- https://www.facebook.com/52weeksofhope
- https://www.instagram.com/52weeksofhope
- https://www.twitter.com/52weeksofhope
Jennie O’Connor

Thursday Sep 29, 2022
Living Up to Your Full Potential with Billy Saleebey
Thursday Sep 29, 2022
Thursday Sep 29, 2022
Are your dreams just sitting within your perceived realm of possibility, or are you expanding it? Oftentimes, we are held back from our full potential because we feel we aren’t capable or great enough to pursue our goals.
Former Tesla executive turned podcasting CEO, Billy Saleebey, joins us today to tell you that you have everything it takes to achieve greatness by simply putting one foot in front of the other.
“So step number one could be a micro step, the smallest step you could possibly imagine. And that's okay. And then the third thing I would say is get someone in your life. Who's going to hold you accountable to doing those steps. You share your vision with them as detailed as possible. And by the way, the vision, you keep adding more details. You keep adding more, making it more real in your mind, making each step something that you can actually visualize yourself doing.”
In this episode, Billy also talks about co-founding Podify – a podcasting company that helps podcast shows scale and reach their respective goals; leading with purpose and empathy, and the importance of believing in yourself.
“Connection is the window to happiness. Yeah. If we don't connect and I mean really connect with other people, it's gonna be hard to find happiness. There's so many things that happen in our lives, obstacles, challenges, valleys, and also the high points. And if we don't have people to experience all of those things with, life becomes lonely and life becomes very challenging. I look at my life and I think to myself, how fortunate I am to have grown up with parents who taught me the power of connection.”
In this episode:
- (01:00) - How Billy leaped from being a Tesla exec to podcasting
- (3:38) - The culmination of Podify
- (6:14) - Spotting an opportunity
- (9:54) - Valuing your dreams and going after them
- (15:04) - Living with empathy
- (16:31) - Emerging from obstacles
- (19:09) - Radical transparency
- (21:33) - Starting with a vision
- (26:21) - Finding a productivity ritual
- (31:52) - Finding the right pace
- (33:47) - Finding time to pause
- (38:31) - Purifying your intention
- (39:18) - Billy’s message of hope
After leading global learning and development teams for the most disruptive companies in the world (Tesla/SolarCity), Billy decided to go all in on podcasting. He is the creator and host of Insight Out, a show dedicated to revealing and dissecting life-changing insights; For the Love of Podcast, a show dedicated to the podcast community. Billy is the co-founder of Podify, a podcasting services, and technology company that specializes in the production and promotion of digital media and podcasts.
Resources & Links
52 Weeks of Hope
- https://www.52weeksofhope.com
- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyLA7Rb6E0PtKBhPGu1vcjA
- https://www.facebook.com/52weeksofhope
- https://www.instagram.com/52weeksofhope
- https://www.twitter.com/52weeksofhope
Billy Saleebey

Wednesday Sep 21, 2022
Taking Control of the Narrative with Maggie Kang
Wednesday Sep 21, 2022
Wednesday Sep 21, 2022
Life is a story and we control the narrative. The experiences we encounter may play a role in shaping the plot, but our response dictates the outcome. This is how Maggie Kang has chosen to live her life when her nine-year-old daughter was diagnosed with a rare autoimmune disease.
The experience set Maggie on a new path. After 20 years in diagnostic radiology, she became a certified life coach and created a business called MaggieKangMD, LLC to help burned-out physicians and working moms.
Today, Maggie joins me to talk about how we can change our thoughts and how accepting pain can help us find healing.
Maggie also shares what led her to life coaching, the importance of realizing that suffering can be optional, and her unique message of hope.
In This Episode
- (04:48) Coping with life’s hurdles
- (07:37) Reaching out for help from a life coach
- (08:38) The most valuable lessons Maggie learned from her coach
- (10:47) Is suffering optional?
- (18:33) Serving as a life coach for other doctors
- (17:23) The hardest challenge Maggie has overcome
- (21:29) Maggie’s message of hope
Maggie Kang is a physician, mother, certified life coach, and founder of MaggieKangMD, LLC.
Resources & Links
52 Weeks of Hope
- https://www.52weeksofhope.com
- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyLA7Rb6E0PtKBhPGu1vcjA
- https://www.facebook.com/52weeksofhope
- https://www.instagram.com/52weeksofhope
- https://www.twitter.com/52weeksofhope
Maggie Kang

Wednesday Sep 14, 2022
3 Ways to End Negative Self-Talk
Wednesday Sep 14, 2022
Wednesday Sep 14, 2022
Do you ever feel like you’re drowning under the weight of endless negative self-talk? Do you hear yourself speaking kindly of everyone in your life – except yourself?
The good news is, there are ways to stop this negativity in its tracks for good – even if you’ve always been a lifelong self-loather.
Today’s episode is all about learning the secrets to self-confidence and self-compassion. When you practice these tools, you’ll find yourself becoming not only more loving and open towards yourself, but towards others in your orbit as well.
In This Episode
- (0:45) Take a short break from social media
- (04:33) Find affirmations that work for you
- (05:35) Ground yourself
- (12:38) Make a list of what you’re grateful for
- (17:41) Enjoy the journey
Resources & Links
52 Weeks of Hope

Wednesday Sep 07, 2022
Transforming Your Health and Your Life with Eric the Trainer
Wednesday Sep 07, 2022
Wednesday Sep 07, 2022
What do you do when you feel yourself slowing down – not just mentally, but physically? How can women over 35 set themselves up for a lifetime of good health? And what should gym newbies know about working out?
Listen as “Eric the Trainer,” who is Eric Fleishman – fitness guru and personal trainer to some of Hollywood’s biggest names, enthusiastically guides you and answers these and other health questions. He’s been instrumental in the physical transformations of celebs like Ethan Suplee and Kirstie Alley – and he joins today sharing his story of hard work, gratitude, and service.
“Many times our plans and dreams and aspirations are based upon things that were told to us, ‘Oh, you should do that. Or you should do this.’ But if you actually follow your heart and you do things in your life that reflect your authentic self, you'll be much, much more successful. I'm actually following my authentic self in becoming a trainer and helping people on a massive scale. I don't feel like I go to work in the morning. I feel like I'm on a mission that's much larger than myself. If you wanna follow your passions and get paid for it, be your authentic self, follow your dreams and listen to your heart. Not just to your head.” – Eric (09:56)
In this episode, Eric talks about how being a late bloomer nicknamed “Squeaky” got him into the gym for the first time, the important role sleep plays in our overall wellbeing, the value of protein-based diets, and why the gym is a magical place:
“The gym in my opinion is one of the last magical places in society. It's where someone can come in who's feeling diminished, disenfranchised, either upset because they feel like they're too small or upset because they feel like they're too big and they can go through a physical transformation using the science of change, which is exercise, diet, and sleep. And through that transformation, they can emerge a hero. They can go from normal to extraordinary right there in the gym.” – Eric (06:24)
Eric also shares his unique message of hope, and why he’s optimistic about the future:
“The future is a very, very bright place. [The world] is very, very polarized right now, but it's prime time for someone to come along and join people together and lead them to a better place. So I have a lot of hope for the future, both in America and the world itself. … I'm very excited about the future.” – Eric (24:36)
In This Episode
- (02:13) Eric’s story, and the challenges of being a late bloomer
- (03:22) An attitude of gratitude
- (05:44) Growing up with the nickname “Squeaky”
- (6:57) The importance of proper sleep hygiene and its impact on our overall health
- (8:00) Importance of protein
- (09:08) 50,000 pushups for charity
- (14:54) What women over 35 should know about fitness (and how to get long-sleek muscles)
- (20:09) How Eric maintains his fitness despite his on-the-go lifestyle
- (22:23) The most impactful lesson Eric has learned, and how he copes with hard times
- (24:36) Eric’s message of hope
Known as “Eric the Trainer,” Eric Fleishman is an entrepreneur, fitness guru and personal trainer who has worked with the likes of Ethan Suplee, Kirstie Alley, Michelle Branch, Big John McCarthy, Big Time Rush and more. In addition to training, Eric is the founder of a fitness consulting business and frequently contributes to “Muscle & Fitness” magazine, where he also serves on the advisory board.
Resources & Links
52 Weeks of Hope
- https://www.52weeksofhope.com
- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyLA7Rb6E0PtKBhPGu1vcjA
- https://www.facebook.com/52weeksofhope
- https://www.instagram.com/52weeksofhope
- https://www.twitter.com/52weeksofhope
Eric the Trainer