Are you burnt out? Do you feel like life’s passing you by? Is your inner critic going nonstop? If you’ve been wishing for some kind of shift, you’re in the right place! Listen and learn how to stop the negative voices. Conquer your limiting beliefs and learn how to breathe, laugh, and live in your joy. Find your way to an aligned, clear, and focused path doing what YOU want to do. Get inspired as leaders, healers, and change agents discuss the challenges they’ve overcome as they give you their message of HOPE. Through humor, compassion, and grace, you’re reminded that anything is possible, and it’s never too late to live your purpose, do what lights you up, and create extraordinary things. This podcast is for you if you find yourself asking questions like: - How do I succeed on my self-improvement journey? - What is the most effective meditation technique? - How do I stop feeling so overwhelmed and tired? - Is journaling effective? - How does manifestation work? - What are affirmations? - Is breathwork for me? Learn how to replace your inner critic with a kind, nurturing, and compassionate one. Find your way to personal growth and replace that lack mentality with a mindset of abundance. Listen and feel the magic right away!

Wednesday Aug 09, 2023
Manifesting Your Money and Attracting Wealth with Morgana Rae
Wednesday Aug 09, 2023
Wednesday Aug 09, 2023
Ever wonder why money flows effortlessly to some people and not others? Are you ready to reimagine your relationship with money?
Listen as money and magic manifester extraordinaire Morgana Rae reveals how you can attract wealth by looking at your relationship with money in the same way you look at your other relationships.
“If your money was a person, who would your money be?” – (12:50), Morgana
If you’re having a hard time loving your money or making your money fall in love with you, this is the episode that you’ve been waiting for. You get to learn new steps to manifest money and get rid of your limiting beliefs around wealth and finances and building a lasting relationship with money.
Once Morgana figured out the trick, she applied it to other areas and now teaches you as she has 1000’s of others, how to get rid of what’s blocking you from making and keeping money (sounds just like other relationships, right?).
You can also manifest your soulmate after listening to this episode!
Actually, Morgana did manifest the love of her life once she discovered the secret formula that she revealed in this episode.
“All that matters is the two people getting married and our vows because the prize is not the wedding. The prize is the relationship.” (37:02), Morgana
“If you want to see real-world physical results, you’ll want to take real-world physical actions.” – (41:54), Morgana
In this episode:
- (4:02) – How you can stop wasting time on wrong relationships!
- (9:43) – Once you start hating the universe, the universe responds.
- (10:00) – How you can make things change for you.
- (10:50) – Money as your area of spiritual growth.
- (13:41) – The importance of reprogramming your mind relating to money.
- (15:39) – Pressure techniques when it comes to business adn why they do not work.
- (19:44) – The root cause as your starting point.
- (21:05) – Every money issue is a love issue.
- (21:14) – Turning money into a person.
- (23:47) – When you feel like money is calling your shots.
- (24:16) – Once you rid yourself of the monstrous image of money.
- (25:02) – The Money Honey.
- (27:00) – How to take action showing you’re committed to change.
- (29:34) –The Love Monster.
- (37:55) – Practicing gratitude.
- (38:49) – Challenge your money beliefs.
- (41:07) – The potential dangers of your affirmations.
- (47:40) – Why remaining true to yourself is the most important piece.
Resources and Links
52 Weeks of Hope
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/lauren-abrams-83b8b421/
- https://www.52weeksofhope.com/
- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyLA7Rb6E0PtKBhPGu1vcjA
- https://www.facebook.com/52weeksofhope/
- https://www.instagram.com/52weeksofhope/
- https://twitter.com/52weeksofhope
- Get your FREE Confidence and Clarity Growth Scorecard
Go to https://www.magicmind.co/hopelauren and get up to 50% off your subscription for the next 10 days with my code HOPELAUREN.
Morgana Rae

Wednesday Aug 02, 2023
How to Break Free from Procrastination and Perfectionism with Deborah Hurwitz
Wednesday Aug 02, 2023
Wednesday Aug 02, 2023
Are you sick of doing what you’re "supposed" to do? Are you jealous of others? Are you noticing your negative self-talk getting out of control? Are you procrastinating like crazy (then beating yourself up?)
Overachiever Deborah Hurwitz was too, and she broke free from the old masculine identity that defined her and now owns her time, work, and success and is here to tell you how to break free from your self-destructive patterns, too.
“We don’t recover from perfectionism. Perfectionism is really a type of fear.” – (1:39) Deborah
“Ironically, perfectionism is the thing that has us not doing the thing we want to do.”- (2:55) Deborah
Listen as she lets you in on the secret of how to live the life you sit and dream about. Learn how to align with your path and live the confident, fulfilled life you know you’re meant to live.
“You get to a point where you're gonna really make those changes or take those actions, however small, you wanna ask yourself, what am I unwilling to tolerate?
“Tony Robbins famously says, you don't get the life you want. You get the life you're willing to tolerate. What are you no longer willing to tolerate? So if you're saying, I'm not willing to tolerate that, but it's actually in your life, you're tolerating it.” (16:57) Deborah
You also get to learn why multitasking sucks, and how to stop tolerating the intolerable. Empower yourself with this episode!
“Because I was chasing the metrics of success that I thought I had to have, in order to have those metrics of success, I had to sellout a lot of stuff that really mattered to me.” (9:09) Deborah
But not anymore! And neither do you.
In This Episode:
- (1:25) – How to break free from perfectionism.
- (1:45) – The difference between perfectionism and excellence.
- (2:49) – How procrastination and perfectionism are the same (yep!).
- (3:46) – Defeating perfectionism sometimes means identifying what really matters.
- (5:38) – Why acting is more important than trying to be perfect.
- (9:23) – The stuff that mattered the most ended up being what was negotiable.
- (12:02)- Outlining big changes and how they happen.
- (16:00) – The fork in the proverbial road.
- (17:03) – Define what you’re willing to tolerate.
- (19:50) – Methods for becoming beautiful in your own skin no matter what part of life you’re in.
- (20:09) - The importance of being present and still.
- (23:06) – What are you willing to do to become the best version of yourself?
- (23:43) – The 10 seconds that can change your life.
- (24:09) – The art of single-tasking.
- (24:21) – The myth of multi-tasking and what it costs.
- (27:07) – Why you can only do one thing at a time.
- (30:24) – ROI is more than about dollars and cents.
- (31:17) – The truth about “being safe” and there’s no growth in safe.
- (33:24) – The things you do in the moment.
Resources and Links
52 Weeks of Hope
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/lauren-abrams-83b8b421/
- https://www.52weeksofhope.com/
- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyLA7Rb6E0PtKBhPGu1vcjA
- https://www.facebook.com/52weeksofhope/
- https://www.instagram.com/52weeksofhope/
- https://twitter.com/52weeksofhope
- Get your FREE Confidence and Clarity Growth Scorecard
- Schedule your Confidence and Clarity Boost Session with Lauren!
Go to https://www.magicmind.co/hopelauren and get up to 50% off your subscription for the next 10 days with my code HOPELAUREN.
Deborah Hurwitz

Wednesday Jul 26, 2023
How to Heal Your Physical and Emotional Pain with Shalini Joshi Yamdagni
Wednesday Jul 26, 2023
Wednesday Jul 26, 2023
Are you stuck in physical pain? Do you have emotional wounds? Feeling down? Sluggish? Experience profound relief in this week's episode as Shalini helps you shift out of pain and back into life easily and smoothly. Listen as you’re guided through simple steps discovered after doctors confined her to permanent bedrest.
“Eventually after trying everything possible out there, I was told I’d just be on bed rest.” – Shalini (4:33)
Listen as international physical and emotional pain relief expert Shalini Joshi Yamdagni shares how she went from chronic pain in which doctors prescribed bed rest for the remainder of her life, to completely healing herself.
“When a mother is sick, the whole house suffers.” – Shalini (4:46)
Shalini’s mission is to empower you to consciously take charge of your health and well-being so you can live your life fully. Her remarkable story will leave you with tools reconnecting you to your own inner strength and power. Learn how to heal your physical, emotional and spiritual pain right now.
“If you listen to your body when it whispers, you won’t have to hear it scream.” – Shalini (28:24)
In This Episode:
- (3:13) – How increasing dosages causes greater pain.
- (4:54) – What happens when you’re committed to a lifetime of bedrest.
- (8:44) - Discovering your chakras and healing powers.
- (10:02) – Unlocking the power of Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT).
- (11:22) – Healing with videos on energy point techniques.
- (18:16) – How to heal emotional pain
- (19:29) - How stress impacts the body.
- (21:08) – How various symptoms message your body.
- (23:00) – What pain in your life are you ignoring?
- (26:23) – Is pain tolerance a solution?
- (29:50) – Emotional spring cleaning of the different closets that reside in you.
- (30:46) – How stuck energy drains you.
- (31:46) – Benefits of releasing energy.
- (34:56) – Taking charge of your health and well-being.
- (36:06) – PAIN means Pay Attention Inward Now.
Resources and Links
52 Weeks of Hope
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/lauren-abrams-83b8b421/
- https://www.52weeksofhope.com/
- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyLA7Rb6E0PtKBhPGu1vcjA
- https://www.facebook.com/52weeksofhope/
- https://www.instagram.com/52weeksofhope/
- https://twitter.com/52weeksofhope
- Get your FREE Confidence and Clarity Growth Scorecard
- Schedule your Confidence and Clarity Boost Session with Lauren!
Go to https://www.magicmind.co/hopelauren and get up to 50% off your subscription for the next 10 days with my code HOPELAUREN.
Shalini Josh Yamdagni

Wednesday Jul 19, 2023
Wednesday Jul 19, 2023
Wanna know when your energy level's highest? Why your skin, hair, and joints get dry, and which foods cure that? Listen as Cheryl helps you tune into your body, mind, and spirit.
Dive into the ancient healing and wisdom practice of Ayurveda and gain insights into you, your digestive health, and your overall well-being.
“Women who understand and honor the 28-day rhythm throughout the month are a lot happier and take care of themselves a lot better. - (4:43) Cheryl
Listen as Ayurveda health and mindfulness teacher Cheryl Schirillo provides you with insights on Ayurveda’s powerful impact on women’s lives and how it can help you live a healthier, more balanced life.
”Everything in the universe, dead or alive, is connected to your mind, body, and spirit in harmony with the universe, nature, and the seasons. And you get to have good health when everything's in harmony.” – (1:46) Cheryl
Learn Dosha dos & don'ts: the different doshas and how aligning your lifestyle with your dosha can bring balance and vitality to your life. How to start your day with magic and the transformative practice of gratitude! Begin awakening practices and why paying attention to dream messages matters. You’re going to attract the best people to you after listening to Cheryl and Lauren in this episode.
“Find your soul tribe, the others who are just really, really grateful to be alive.” – (36:47) Cheryl
In This Episode:
- (4:00) – The different rhythm cycles of men and women.
- (4:26) – How your energy differs depending on the full moon versus the new moon.
- (4:43) – How to notice and honor your rhythms.
- (5:20) – What to do during a new moon cycle.
- (6:16) – How the moon impacts your appetite and digestive system.
- (7:00) – Food recommendations with Ayurveda.
- (8:45) – Understanding the role of your diet.
- (10:21) – How to define your dosha.
- (13:00) – What happens when you're out of balance with your dosha.
- (13:21) – Why you should eat juicy foods and the power of life consistency.
- (13:57) – How cold drinks impact your digestive system.
- (17:21) – The infusion of East Indian shamanism into the practice.
- (19:35) - Swimming with Dolphin.
- (22:58) – Understanding dolphins and how smart they are.
- (26:40) – How to meditate, and it’s okay to start with two minutes.
- (27:05) – How meditation helps you to thrive.
- (31:41) – Can you really talk to plants?
- (32:30) – The power of herb combinations.
- (33:00) – The conversation with nature is two-way but only happens when you open your heart.
- (33:44) – The most magical time of the day.
- (35:09) – The importance of focusing on the one thing you’re looking forward to.
Resources and Links
52 Weeks of Hope
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/lauren-abrams-83b8b421/
- https://www.52weeksofhope.com/
- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyLA7Rb6E0PtKBhPGu1vcjA
- https://www.facebook.com/52weeksofhope/
- https://www.instagram.com/52weeksofhope/
- https://twitter.com/52weeksofhope
- Get your FREE Confidence and Clarity Growth Scorecard
- Schedule your Confidence and Clarity Boost Session with Lauren!
Go to https://www.magicmind.co/hopelauren and get up to 50% off your subscription for the next 10 days with my code HOPELAUREN.
Cheryl Schirillo

Wednesday Jul 12, 2023
Rewrite the Stories in Your Head, Slay Your Demons and Feel Empowered with Andrea Owen
Wednesday Jul 12, 2023
Wednesday Jul 12, 2023
You know that feeling when you want to change the story in your head? Our brains love stories, and sometimes, facing situations without clear endings, we create our own inner narratives. Learn how to recognize when you're crafting your own stories, and choose a different, more empowering narrative by learning self-compassion and awareness techniques.
“When did I hand over all of my power and all of my strength and all of myself and believe these lies when my intuition had told me that something was wrong?” Andrea – 4:53
Writing and controlling your narrative instead of settling for sabotage means using awareness. Then resilience and confidence, two things that Andrea Owen knows all about. She’s the author of Make Some Noise and the host of the Make Some Noise Podcast who firmly believes that you truly have the power to write your story.
You can create your best life. Manifest the life you want to tell. Become your most authentic self.
“That’s how we connect with each other, by telling our stories.” – Lauren 10:03
Listen, as Andrea provides you with empowering tools to not only stop the inner critic but also create a kind compassionate, nurturing inner voice. She also gives burnt-out type-A moms suggestions for creating that needed pause in your day. Quit caring what anyone thinks. Take care of yourself first!
“Being judge and jury, we’re always going to lose.” – Lauren -13:55
In This Episode
- (2:53) – You can survive anything..
- (5:53) – A moment of clarity.
- (10:19) – Our brains love the story formula of beginning, middle, and end.
- (10:47) – When there is no end in a story our minds make up one.
- (12:38) – How to create new narratives and discontinue your sabotage.
- (12:57) – Noticing your negative self-talk and changing it immediately.
- (13:16) – The idea of writing down your facts and the make-believe.
- (14:01) – The power of the pause.
- (15:27) – The ‘fake it til you make it’ phenomenon.
- (17:56) – The north star is something you need when things go awry.
- (18:04) - Embracing the values that light your way during periods of darkness.
- (18:26) – Understanding you have the power to choose a perspective when things seemingly suck.
- (20:42) – There comes a time when you just have to do, regardless of how you’re feeling.
- (21:35) – Sometimes being accountable means finding the thing that motivates you to be accountable.
Resources and Links
52 Weeks of Hope
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/lauren-abrams-83b8b421/
- https://www.52weeksofhope.com/
- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyLA7Rb6E0PtKBhPGu1vcjA
- https://www.facebook.com/52weeksofhope/
- https://www.instagram.com/52weeksofhope/
- https://twitter.com/52weeksofhope
- Get your FREE Confidence and Clarity Growth Scorecard
- Schedule your Confidence and Clarity Boost Session with Lauren!
Go to https://www.magicmind.co/hopelauren and get up to 50% off your subscription for the next 10 days with my code HOPELAUREN.
Andrea Owen

Wednesday Jul 05, 2023
Stop Sabotaging Yourself: Embracing Your Inner Confidence with Madi Maple
Wednesday Jul 05, 2023
Wednesday Jul 05, 2023
Are you ready to break free from self-doubt and an ordinary life? Do you know you’re meant for something bigger, but your head and limiting beliefs keep getting in the way?. Listen and learn how to ditch that inner critic and stop playing small. Quit people pleasing and learn how to be true to who you know you’re meant to be.
“When it comes to confidence and who you are, you can’t love yourself if you’re not being yourself.” – Madi (4:22)
Listen as renowned Confidence Coach Madi Maple helps you begin living in a world where limiting beliefs no longer rule. Her inspiring journey and philosophy on affirmations and how to use evidence to drive them is nothing short of amazing! She’s here to share powerful insights that will free your mind and allow you to embrace and unleash the confident person that dwells within.
“Confidence was not even in my vocabulary.” – Madi (5:04)
If you’ve been wondering why the life you’ve been speaking into existence has yet to manifest, Madi is here to help you find that missing piece. Listen as she offers a simple, yet powerful approach that will move you into living the life you’ve always desired!
“When you have enough evidence to support the new belief, that new belief will outweigh the past belief.” – Madi (18:16)
In This Episode:
- (4:00) – What appeared to be a rebellion was just Madi’s way of expressing herself.
- (5:18) – Why pivoting matters.
- (9:52) – Healing as part of your journey.
- (10:57) – The keys to finding your best self.
- (13:44) – The four different pillars of confidence
- (14:46) – The Belief Work Process
- (14:53) – All beliefs are fake and are nothing more than your perceptions.
- (15:10) – Everything, even the facts, are completely neutral.
- (15:23) – Taking your power back from beliefs.
- (15:54) – Evidence is the missing piece to affirmations.
- (16:44) – Write your affirmations, but also write evidence that supports them.
- (17:34) – Be sure to make time to shift your filter.
- (20:52) – You can still go after your dreams with self-doubt.
- (21:20) – Confidence is a choice.
- (26:36) – The definition of authenticity varies from person to person.
- (29:00) – Being yourself isn’t hard, it’s the places we go that make it hard.
- (33:05) – Truly believing that things can change makes all the difference.
Resources and Links
52 Weeks of Hope
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/lauren-abrams-83b8b421/
- https://www.52weeksofhope.com/
- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyLA7Rb6E0PtKBhPGu1vcjA
- https://www.facebook.com/52weeksofhope/
- https://www.instagram.com/52weeksofhope/
- https://twitter.com/52weeksofhope
- Get your FREE Confidence and Clarity Growth Scorecard
- Schedule your Confidence and Clarity Boost Session with Lauren!
Go to https://www.magicmind.co/hopelauren and get up to 50% off your subscription for the next 10 days with my code HOPELAUREN.
Madi Maple

Wednesday Jun 28, 2023
Wednesday Jun 28, 2023
Do you feel like you’ve got the power to manifest the life you want to live, but something’s holding you back? You’re this type-A overachieving mom, but something’s off? You've always been able to barrel through anything, but something’s amiss? Are you feeling under-appreciated and overworked? Unable to get rid of the malaise? You will love listening to this episode, all about doing your shadow work!
“Just that simple act of saying ‘I love you can break through so many different walls and so many different things that have been built up over years and years and years.” – Latha (14:55)
Listen as Valerie Inez and Latha Jay help you learn about the power of shadow work and how doing it can release you to live the life you’ve already manifested. Their new book, “Shadow Work Journal for Self-Love: Powerful Prompts and Exercises to Integrate Your Shadow and Embrace Your Inner Child,” is a must-read for anyone ready to go deep and do the hard work of shadow work.
“Once I finally released the comparison shadow part of me and said, you know what, girl, they can be shiny and bright, but we can also be shiny and bright doing what we love to do.” – Valerie (19:40)
If you’ve been checking the boxes of life, scared to take that leap to what you know you're called here to do, listen as Latha and Valerie discuss the simple tools to get you aligned with your path empowering you forward.
“It’s never too late, and I personally believe that everything happens in divine timing.” – Latha (12:42)
In This Episode:
- (3:27) - What is shadow work?
- (4:05) – The three different ways shadows can appear in your life.
- (5:25) – Shadow work and spiritual awakening.
- (6:20) – Unresolved childhood trauma and life choices.
- (9:21) – Energy work and healing.
- (13:46) – Affirmations and mirror work.
- (14:32) – How affirmations work.
- (16:00) – Shifts that occur when you begin to love yourself
- (17:17) – To manifest, it’s important to get past your limiting beliefs.
- (20:44) – Valerie’s powerful meditation experience.
- (22:17) – How your intuition increases once you do shadow work.
- (27:07) – Benefits of shadow work.
- (29:49) - How shadow work allowed Valerie to be the person she wants to be and a better mom.
- (31:16) – Approaching shadow work through the lens of self-love.
- (33:19) – Shadow work helps you become a better mom, all you Type-A ers.
- (35:25) – You’ll be with you for the rest of your life, so why not invest in yourself?
Resources and Links
52 Weeks of Hope
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/lauren-abrams-83b8b421/
- https://www.52weeksofhope.com/
- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyLA7Rb6E0PtKBhPGu1vcjA
- https://www.facebook.com/52weeksofhope/
- https://www.instagram.com/52weeksofhope/
- https://twitter.com/52weeksofhope
- Get your FREE Confidence and Clarity Growth Scorecard
- Schedule your Confidence and Clarity Boost Session with Lauren!
Go to https://www.magicmind.co/hopelauren and get up to 50% off your subscription for the next 10 days with my code HOPELAUREN.
Valerie Inez
- https://www.valerieinez.com/
- https://www.instagram.com/valerieinez111/
- https://www.tiktok.com/@valerie_inez
Latha Jay
- https://latha-jay.mykajabi.com/
- https://www.facebook.com/LathaJay8
- https://www.instagram.com/latha_jay_/
- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuJy6drKkYGPAF9CTzBf-QQ
- https://www.tiktok.com/@latha_jay
Shadow Work Journal for Self-Love: Powerful Prompts and Exercises to Integrate Your Shadow and Embrace Your Inner Child - https://www.amazon.com/Shadow-Work-Journal-Self-Love-Exercises/dp/0593690494

Wednesday Jun 21, 2023
How to Stop Your Burnout and Stay True to Yourself
Wednesday Jun 21, 2023
Wednesday Jun 21, 2023
Are you a Type-A overachiever? Are you a mom always doing, doing, doing? Do you feel undervalued? Are you sick of always giving to everyone else? The answer isn’t in your to-do list. Your true power and the life you’ve been searching for can all be found when you stop and take a breath. Your answers emerge when you pause.
“The answers are in the pause.” – Lauren, (5:04)
There’s nothing wrong with helping others. But when you cave into the demands of someone else, it feels rotten. Listen and learn how to stay true to your inner calling. How to align with what you really want to do and be.
“Life is short. and life is in session. This is your life. You don’t get a re-do; this is your time.” – Lauren (11:23)
If you’ve been racing around life, doing it all yet questioning why you’re still feeling unfulfilled, this episode is for you. And the answers you seek are waiting patiently … in the pause!
In This Episode:
- (1:41) – Which of these 3 scenarios are you?
- (3:21) – A deeper dive into the lives of the three moms.
- (5:00) – How to take time for breath and why it matters.
- (5:55) – The answers emerge in your breaths.
- (6:10) – It’s your right to create the life that you want.
- (6:16) – Making yourself a priority in order to be positioned to give to others.
- (7:24) – While you take your pause, take note of what lights you up.
- (8:15) – The gift of doing something different.
- (10:36) – Writing your vision and how easily it's done.
- (10:56) – If you have a partner, write a gratitude list outlining all you’re grateful to them for.
- (11:42) – Uncover your calling.
- (12:35) – How easy it is to manifest.
- (13:04) – Once you start moving in the direction of your dreams, the universe rises up to meet you.
- (13:23) – When you arrive, you have the chance to give back.
- (14:54) – Breathe through your feelings.
- (15:12) – Busyness isn’t a healthy place for you or your life.
- (15:55) – Nobody values you as much as you do.
Resources and Links
52 Weeks of Hope
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/lauren-abrams-83b8b421/
- https://www.52weeksofhope.com/
- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyLA7Rb6E0PtKBhPGu1vcjA
- https://www.facebook.com/52weeksofhope/
- https://www.instagram.com/52weeksofhope/
- https://twitter.com/52weeksofhope
- Get your FREE Confidence and Clarity Growth Scorecard
- Schedule your Confidence and Clarity Boost Session with Lauren!
Go to https://www.magicmind.co/hopelauren and get up to 50% off your subscription for the next 10 days with my code HOPELAUREN.

Wednesday Jun 14, 2023
The Power of Authenticity: Unleashing Your Inner Compass for Success with John Hu
Wednesday Jun 14, 2023
Wednesday Jun 14, 2023
You know that sinking feeling when you “arrive” at your dream and it’s not all it’s cracked up to be? You’ve done everything you were told to do growing up, look around, and no one, including you, seems happy? No one seems fulfilled?
Listen and learn how to align with your path, do what you want to do and how to take that leap of faith into your true dream or vision.
“When you grow up in an area, you’re told oftentimes to do certain things, check certain boxes to be happy in life.” – John (2:13)
After years of living for others, John Hu found the courage to live the life he wanted. He’s the founder of Stan, a content creation portal that helps entrepreneurs build their businesses, and he’s focused on helping you find and live the life you're passionate about.
“I looked up and realized I do not want to be my bosses one day.” – John (2:53)
Making changes can be scary. If you're going through the motions and looking for the nudge to move toward a more fulfilling life, this episode is for you!
In This Episode:
- (1:22) - The accidental success that turned into Stan Store.
- (2:10) – A personal journey.
- (2:50) – The realization that the corporate world is filled with a lot of miserable people.
- (3:31) – The epiphany that the typical 9-to-5 wasn’t for him.
- (10:16) – The one key trait of every billionaire.
- (12:36) – Breaking free from your fear of the process.
- (14:11) – Tips for overcoming Shiny Object Syndrome.
- (14:52)- Let your core values be your guard rails.
- (16:07) – Making time to meditate. Only 3-minutes a day required!
- (18:29) – Relax, nobody is paying that much attention to you.
- (19:07) – Walking through pain is necessary in order to walk into success.
- (20:23) – It wasn’t about the resumes; it was about the help the resumes represented.
- (21:00) – Empowering people gives you energy
- (21:46) – Take action, the universe will rise to meet you.
- (24:23) – Why authenticity matters.
- (25:17) – The importance of your inner compass.
Resources and Links
52 Weeks of Hope
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/lauren-abrams-83b8b421/
- https://www.52weeksofhope.com/
- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyLA7Rb6E0PtKBhPGu1vcjA
- https://www.facebook.com/52weeksofhope/
- https://www.instagram.com/52weeksofhope/
- https://twitter.com/52weeksofhope
- Get your FREE Confidence and Clarity Growth Scorecard
- Schedule your Confidence and Clarity Boost Session with Lauren!
Go to https://www.magicmind.co/hopelauren and get up to 50% off your subscription for the next 10 days with my code HOPELAUREN.
John Hu

Wednesday Jun 07, 2023
Stepping Into Your True Potential and Overcoming Limitations with Meredyth Willits
Wednesday Jun 07, 2023
Wednesday Jun 07, 2023
In This Episode
- (1:40) – How to tap into energy sources.
- (5:34) – A safe relationship blossoms into becoming her true self.
- (6:02) – Moving out of an unhealthy environment.
- (7:51) – How living in negativity limits your existence.
- (9:07) – How leaving your old life allows you to change your identity.
- (15:27) – Surrendering is your way of saying “yes” to the universe.
- (17:13) – Fear is the key to your freedom!
- (23:42) – Hold fast to the belief that things always work out.
- (25:22) – Worry is praying for something you don’t want in your life.
- (26:36) – Give your limiting voice a name because it’s not you!
- (28:31) – When you quiet the voice, your inner spirit gets loud.
- (29:00) – You can’t see the truth if you are stuck in fear.
- (30:20) – The universe is waiting for your crazy.
- (32:37) – You only have one life. Why not do it all?
- (34:12) – Faith is your guiding light.
Meredyth Willits, is an Intuitive Life Coach Author and Thought Leader whose podcast, Meredyth with a Why, is within the top 1.5% of the most listened-to podcasts in the world. She has developed an impressive and loyal global following with over 1 million followers on TikTok, Facebook & Instagram.
Willits works with 20-Somethings to CEOs and everyone in between to guide and help each person heal and find the life they dream about. She is married to her husband, Jim and is mother to four children, ages 11-26 and resides in Chicago.
Resources and Links
52 Weeks of Hope
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/lauren-abrams-83b8b421/
- https://www.52weeksofhope.com/
- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyLA7Rb6E0PtKBhPGu1vcjA
- https://www.facebook.com/52weeksofhope/
- https://www.instagram.com/52weeksofhope/
- https://twitter.com/52weeksofhope
- Get your FREE Confidence and Clarity Growth Scorecard
- Schedule your Confidence and Clarity Boost Session with Lauren!
Go to https://www.magicmind.co/hopelauren and get up to 50% off your subscription for the next 10 days with my code HOPELAUREN.
Meredyth Willits