Are you burnt out? Do you feel like life’s passing you by? Is your inner critic going nonstop? If you’ve been wishing for some kind of shift, you’re in the right place! Listen and learn how to stop the negative voices. Conquer your limiting beliefs and learn how to breathe, laugh, and live in your joy. Find your way to an aligned, clear, and focused path doing what YOU want to do. Get inspired as leaders, healers, and change agents discuss the challenges they’ve overcome as they give you their message of HOPE. Through humor, compassion, and grace, you’re reminded that anything is possible, and it’s never too late to live your purpose, do what lights you up, and create extraordinary things. This podcast is for you if you find yourself asking questions like: - How do I succeed on my self-improvement journey? - What is the most effective meditation technique? - How do I stop feeling so overwhelmed and tired? - Is journaling effective? - How does manifestation work? - What are affirmations? - Is breathwork for me? Learn how to replace your inner critic with a kind, nurturing, and compassionate one. Find your way to personal growth and replace that lack mentality with a mindset of abundance. Listen and feel the magic right away!

Wednesday May 31, 2023
How to Feel Confident Right Now
Wednesday May 31, 2023
Wednesday May 31, 2023
Are you tired of negative self-talk? Do you feel jealous when you see others doing what you wish you were doing? Is your inner light dimmer than you’d like? Listen and learn how to shine brightly and walk boldly into your power, shaping the life you want. Inspire others to follow in your footsteps. It’s time to dream big! Feel empowered after listening to Lauren, silence your inner critic, and create the life you absolutely love.
“It’s time to stop dimming your light and break free of what other people think.” - Lauren 1:25
In this week’s episode, Lauren helps you shine your brightest and understand the power you’ll find in your vision.
“Let your light be bright because whatever your dream is, you’re going to be helping someone else.” – Lauren 3:16
Listen as she leads you down the path to success and how thinking the right thoughts can light the way!
“If you’re worried about what people are going to think about you, they’re not.” – Lauren 12:26
In This Episode
- (4:36) – The universe meets you at your energy.
- (5:55) – Writing the story of your life.
- (6:23) – Now is the time for dreaming big.
- (8:12) – Baby steps make your dream come true!
- (9:57) – Don’t forget to celebrate your victories!
- (13:00) – Walking through your fears builds muscle.
- (14:00) – Why your self-care matters.
- (14:21) – Watch who you hang out with.
- (15:11) – When you play small, no one wins.
- (15:42) – You owe yourself your best, brightest self.
Resources and Links
52 Weeks of Hope
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/lauren-abrams-83b8b421/
- https://www.52weeksofhope.com/
- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyLA7Rb6E0PtKBhPGu1vcjA
- https://www.facebook.com/52weeksofhope/
- https://www.instagram.com/52weeksofhope/
- https://twitter.com/52weeksofhope
- Get your FREE Confidence and Clarity Growth Scorecard
- Schedule your Confidence and Clarity Boost Session with Lauren!
Go to https://www.magicmind.co/hopelauren and get up to 50% off your subscription for the next 10 days with my code HOPELAUREN

Wednesday May 24, 2023
Empowering Yourself on the Path to Healing with Dr. Kendra Campbell
Wednesday May 24, 2023
Wednesday May 24, 2023
Do you feel uncomfortable, and can’t explain why? Do you escape your feelings with unhealthy food or other things? Are you ready to heal that part inside that haunts you? That piece still needing healing? More importantly, what path to healing have you chosen? Are you sick of meds or doctors prescribing a pill for your problems? Listen as Dr. Kendra Campbell helps you understand that sometimes, the best path to healing can be found within.
“I changed my entire life. I gave up smoking, drinking, coffee, and all my toxic habits. I cleaned up my diet, started exercising, and meditating and basically tapered myself off all the medications.” – Dr. Kendra Campbell (4:55)
Part of the healing process is understanding the power that rests inside of you. You are powerful and how to tap into your own force. Dr. Campbell offers encouragement helping you think out of the box to heal and take control of this incredible part of your life journey!
“All the incurable physical and mental health problems I was told I was going to have for the rest of my life and couldn’t be addressed just miraculously went away.” – Dr. Kendra Campbell (5:08)
Listen and glean a myriad of tools for you to heal and align with your life path just like Dr. Campbell! There’s an incredible person waiting for you on the other side of that process. This episode provides such inspiration and proves you dont have to be on meds to heal. You can have the life of your dreams. Be and do anything you want and even stay sane. Or as in Dr. Kendra’s case, have a child, work in a thriving holistic practice, and be filled with joy.
“Get out of my brain, get out of my head, and listen to my heart.” – Dr. Kendra Campbell – (20:26)
If there was ever a time to move, it’s now. Listen to Lauren and Dr. Campbell as they help you chart your course to healing!
In This Episode
- (1:46) – The origin of burnout.
- (2:25) – Work/life imbalance creates toxic habits and many physical ailments.
- (3:20) – Life often calls you to make a life overhaul.
- (6:02) – Listening to your inner voice.
- (7:34) – The energy of your environment matters.
- (8:34) – Debunking the myth of “A pill for every ill.”
- (10:46) – Just because you’re medicating, doesn’t mean you’re addressing the problem.
- (13:04) – You can’t rely on pills to do the hard work.
- (14:25) – Confronting your unhealed trauma.
- (14:51) – How to make sure your life is in alignment.
- (15:39) – You are what you eat: the connection between food and feelings.
- (16:00) – How nature heals.
- (19:48) – The power of heart-based decisions.
- (21:44) – Whatever you’re struggling with, anything can be healed.
- (22:40) – The first step in healing.
Dr. Kendra Campbell is a holistic psychiatrist with a diverse background that has seen her work in a variety of medical and academic settings. Healing is her passion, and she is committed to driving awareness about the harms of medication. She is also the founder of Free Range Psychiatry, a practice based in Virginia whose mission is to transform the world through root cause discovery and the administering of holistic mind-body interventions and healings.
Resources and Links
52 Weeks of Hope
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/lauren-abrams-83b8b421/
- https://www.52weeksofhope.com/
- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyLA7Rb6E0PtKBhPGu1vcjA
- https://www.facebook.com/52weeksofhope/
- https://www.instagram.com/52weeksofhope/
- https://twitter.com/52weeksofhope
- Get your FREE Confidence and Clarity Growth Scorecard
- Schedule your Confidence and Clarity Boost Session with Lauren!
Dr. Kendra Campbell

Friday May 19, 2023
Friday May 19, 2023
Do you get jealous of what others are doing? Do you feel like life’s passing you by? Are you ready to go to the next level? Listen and learn how to take that leap of faith and create that life you crave. Get actual tools you can use right now and begin walking toward the vision you see for yourself.
“I’ve always fit into a structure as opposed to creating a structure.” – Trish 2:54
If you’re waiting for the situation or circumstances, the time to be perfect, you’re sentencing yourself to a life of waiting. You get to experience and live your life and this episode helps you break free of your limiting beliefs. When you do, the incredible happens … the universe starts moving in your direction.
“The universe takes action when you take action. It just does. Once you move, the universe moves with you.” – Lauren 11:07
There’s a danger in playing it safe and being afraid that your actions don’t align with what others think you should be doing.
“I’m a lifelong learner and I’m always thinking maybe I need to take another course, maybe I need another degree.” – Trish 3:50
The key to unlocking the life you’ve been waiting for, your future, no matter what it holds, is right there within you. Listen to Lauren and Trish now! It’s time to stop waiting … and start living!
In This Episode
- (2:31) - Always had a fear of standing out.
- (4:19) – Fear of playing it safe.
- (5:00) – Your inner critic is going non-stop.
- (6:14) – Stop being so hard on yourself and learn to embrace the power of self-compassion.
- (7:06) – Make your steps passionate and purposeful.
- (7:13) – Achieve the life you deserve, own it, and how to stay there.
- (8:40) – Overcoming limiting beliefs.
- (9:05) – Surround yourself with believers.
- (9:32) – Unleash the power of journaling and meditation.
- (10:36) – Ask others who are doing what you want to do and how they got their start.
- (11:50) – The universe is waiting for you.
- (13:40) - Imposter Syndrome and how to walk through it.
- (17:20) - People love to talk about how they got their start.
Resources and Links
52 Weeks of Hope
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/lauren-abrams-83b8b421/
- https://www.52weeksofhope.com/
- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyLA7Rb6E0PtKBhPGu1vcjA
- https://www.facebook.com/52weeksofhope/
- https://www.instagram.com/52weeksofhope/
- https://twitter.com/52weeksofhope
- Get your FREE Confidence and Clarity Growth Scorecard
- Schedule your FREE Confidence and Clarity Boost Session with Lauren!

Wednesday May 17, 2023
How to Be the Best Version of Yourself with Alejandra Brady
Wednesday May 17, 2023
Wednesday May 17, 2023
Take a guess on what’s holding you back: Fear of failure? Age? Finances? These are the usual suspects, but what if you’re wrong? What if your obstacle that’s keeping the incredible person living inside from coming out… was in your home. Today, Feng Shui expert Alejandra Brady will help you understand that the things around you could be what’s stopping you from being the best version of yourself.
“I started my spiritual journey at 50 and this is what I want everyone to take home more than anything else is that it (spiritual journey) doesn’t have to happen when you’re really young and you’re never too old to pivot”. - Alejandra 2:18
Part of this process is understanding that no two journeys are alike, and, in most cases, they don’t start at the same point. Alejandra offers encouragement to be bold, own your starting place, and passionately pursue your journey; whenever, wherever, and however it reveals itself.
“When the student is ready, the teacher appears”. – Alejandra 10:10
Fulfilling your purpose has no timeline, clock, or calendar. But even though it has none of these
things, it’s there all the same. You want to be ready, receptive, and willing to move into it whenever your time comes. Listen as this episode gives tools and specific examples of how you get to align with your path.
“The path might not always be a straight path; it can be a very winding road to get to your end goal. You don’t need to know what’s at the endpoint you just need to know what your next step is”. – Alejandra 21:00
Trusting the process is a key principle of your journey. It’s yours, so commit yourself to be bold enough to trust the place it’s leading you and follow it one step at a time!
In This Episode
- (2:19) - How a new journey’s started.
- (5:59) – Building a new environment filled with good energy.
- (7:24) – Feng Shui is not a one-size fits all solution.
- (8:10) – How to make your bedroom a private, safe place.
- (9:00) – How to create balance in your life through your décor choices.
- (11:57) – There’s power in you being willing to show up.
- (19:43) – How to craft a house that supports you.
- (22:00) – Being willing to receive your answer.
- (23:23) – When life reveals your purpose, don’t fight it.
- (26:35) – Understanding the power of your front door.
- (36:41) – Part of your journey is learning when to let go.
- (38:50) – Don’t be afraid to ask life to reveal your purpose.
Resources and Links
52 Weeks of Hope
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/lauren-abrams-83b8b421/
- https://www.52weeksofhope.com/
- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyLA7Rb6E0PtKBhPGu1vcjA
- https://www.facebook.com/52weeksofhope/
- https://www.instagram.com/52weeksofhope/
- https://twitter.com/52weeksofhope
- Get your FREE Confidence and Clarity Growth Scorecard
- Schedule your FREE Confidence and Clarity Boost Session with Lauren!
Go to https://www.magicmind.co/hopelauren and get up to 50% off your subscription for the next 10 days with my code HOPELAUREN.
Alejandra Brady

Wednesday May 10, 2023
Embracing Change and Trusting the Universe with Stefanie Caponi
Wednesday May 10, 2023
Wednesday May 10, 2023
You know that feeling when the universe is calling you? It’s always talking to you … nudging you in a direction. As you look back, you can see where the universe was speaking clearly to you … there were those times you listened, and those when you chose not to. How do you know when to take action?
Listen as this week’s episode helps you decipher your messages as you align with your path and take action moving your life to the next level.
“In 2016 when my whole life fell apart, I really turned to tarot to be my support system”. – Stefanie 2:18
Sometimes you have to pivot in life. Tarot reader, illustrator, and best-selling author Stefanie Caponi guides you to listen to life’s messages and helps you change course. Realigning your path is one of the most powerful things you can ever do. It takes courage, and this episode gives you tools and tips helping you pivot and take that leap of faith. Stefani has been there and is on the other side:
“I let the universe take its course and lead the way and I didn’t force myself to do something I didn’t want to do just for the sake of money”. – Stefanie 26:15
Learn how to have the necessary confidence to go after your calling; you are chosen for a purpose. This is where your ability to block out all the outside noise is important because this allows you to listen and hear clearly exactly what the universe is trying to communicate to you.
“The universe is wild when you let go of that tight, tight grip of control”. – Stefanie 37:23
You owe it to yourself to take time to listen to this episode and make space for the wonderful treasures it’s trying to place in your life!
In This Episode:
- (1:41) – All about Tarot!
- (2:16) – During the darkest moment, tarot came and saved the day.
- (3:05) – People may not agree with your decisions, but you must move with what feels right in your soul, regardless of how others may feel.
- (5:18) – Journaling leads to a book and a major life move.
- (6:34) – Sometimes, the best thing you can do is go away, be alone, and work on yourself.
- (7:16) –What you want is waiting for you to make the first move.
- (13:13) – Instead of fretting, understand that the universe is always at work for your good, regardless of how it may appear.
- (19:09)- Instead of feeling jealous, ask the universe what that experience is here to teach you. Learn what good can come of jealousy!
- (24:11) – Tarot is good for intuition and astrology is the key to timing.
- (26:23) – Don’t force it. Let the universe lead the way.
- (27:05) – Know when the time has come for you to walk away from a situation.
- (33:15) – Write love letters to the universe as if what you’re asking for has already happened.
- (40:27) – It’s never too late for you to start.
Stefanie Caponi (she/her) is an astrologer, tarot reader, illustrator, and best-selling author of Guided Tarot, Guided Tarot for Teens, and the newly released Guided Astrology Workbook. Her work is centered around exploring shadow work, healing, and creativity using tarot and astrology as a vehicle to access the hidden realms of the self. She has been reading tarot for more than 20 years and established her business as a professional tarot reader after creating her first tarot deck, The Moon Void Tarot.
She began studying astrology in 2017 after her first professional birth chart reading and has been reading astrology professionally and wrote the monthly horoscopes for Dame which focus on intimacy and relationships from 2019-2022. In addition to her work with tarot and astrology, she also illustrated the YA fiction series The Gifts by Caroline O’Donoghue. Stefanie is a frequent astrology expert in the media and has contributed her Astro insights to Well+Good, The Everygirl, Refinery29, Elite Daily as well as guested on several podcasts. Stefanie is currently represented by the Jane Rotrosen Agency.
Resources, Links, and Mentions:
52 Weeks of Hope
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/lauren-abrams-83b8b421/
- https://www.52weeksofhope.com/
- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyLA7Rb6E0PtKBhPGu1vcjA
- https://www.facebook.com/52weeksofhope/
- https://www.instagram.com/52weeksofhope/
- https://twitter.com/52weeksofhope
- Get your FREE Confidence and Clarity Growth Scorecard
- Schedule your Confidence and Clarity Boost Session with Lauren!
Stefanie Caponi
- https://www.instagram.com/moonvoidtarot/
- https://linktr.ee/moonvoidtarot
- https://moonvoidtarot.com/
- https://www.facebook.com/moonvoidtarot
- Guided Astrology Workbook: A Step-by-Step Guide for Deep Insight into Your Astrological Signs, Birth Chart, and Life (Guided Readings) - https://www.amazon.com/dp/0593690540?ref_=cm_sw_r_apin_dp_8BXK0V5NQ221B1SHT0RS

Wednesday May 03, 2023
How to Awaken Your Psychic Abilities and Manifest Your Dreams with Bill Philipps
Wednesday May 03, 2023
Wednesday May 03, 2023
How to Awaken Your Psychic Abilities and Manifest Your Dreams with Bill Philipps
Are you ready to wake up your psychic senses and connect to the realm of Spirit? Listen as Bill Philipps teaches you how to tap into your innate intuitive abilities, trust in your higher self, and develop the skills you need to align with the life that you deserve.
“I wanted people to know their true power source, what their truth was, how to access what was in their belief system, their imagination, their intuitive nature, their connection to it all. Because as we keep moving along, we're going to need these techniques.” – Bill (16:20)
You’ll now know when you get that feeling that something is “off” that it’s an internal signal, and how to pay attention. You’re going to get to use these signals as a guidance system to manifest what you most want in your life. You will know what’s right for you. Not what someone else told you you should be doing (woohoo!).
“I would encourage them literally to sit in prayer, to sit in meditation, even if it's just sitting in visualizing the white light around you. As simple as that may seem trivial, but what it's doing is it's allowing you to sort of vibrate out into the fabric of the universe, the fabric of your ever-knowing nature.” – Bill (18:23)
Listen as Bill helps you find your superpower. He also helps you to make a change when you are afraid of taking the leap.
Walk away from this episode fully empowered knowing the universe has your back and your innate skills are activated.
“There's more good in this world than bad. And there are more people wanting to help than not. We are all connected to that grid of love and to that grid of energy. And when we're able to vibrate with that intention of giving and of being of service, we will attract that energy back to us.” – Bill (19:23)
In This Episode:
- (01:44) – When he began tapping into his spirit.
- (04:11) – Why intention setting matters.
- (06:42) – Benefits of intention setting.
- (08:39) – Gratitude practices and how you gain in your life.
- (10:22) – How you can flip the energy of negative thoughts.
- (12:23) – Growing up with drug-addicted parents.
- (14:03) – How to overcome tough challenges?
- (15:05) – How to know when to reveal personal information to others.
- (15:45) – Why write a book.
- (17:22) – How does someone know their superpower?
- (18:23) – Advice if you are afraid to take the leap to change.
- (19:23) – A message of hope to you.
Psychic Medium Bill Philipps is the author of Expect the Unexpected, Signs from the Other Side, and most recently Soul Searching: Tune In to Spirit and Awaken Your Inner Wisdom. His life’s mission is to help people deal with the grief of losing loved ones by bringing through validations, evidential information, and beautiful messages from Spirit, which heal and bring a sense of peace. He conducts individual and small- and large-group readings and has appeared on high-profile television programs like Dr. Phil and Access Hollywood. He lives in Orange County, California.
Resources, Links & Mentions
Soul Searching: Tune In to Spirit and Awaken Your Inner Wisdom- https://a.co/d/aszTnGX
52 Weeks of Hope
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/lauren-abrams-83b8b421/
- https://www.52weeksofhope.com/
- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyLA7Rb6E0PtKBhPGu1vcjA
- https://www.facebook.com/52weeksofhope/
- https://www.instagram.com/52weeksofhope/
- https://twitter.com/52weeksofhope
- Get your FREE Confidence and Clarity Growth Scorecard
- Schedule your Confidence and Clarity Boost Session with Lauren!
Bill Philipps

Wednesday Apr 26, 2023
Wednesday Apr 26, 2023
Do you worry about something happening in the future? Does it eat up your ability to enjoy the moment? Are you wishing for things to be different and finding yourself wasting away precious time? Enjoy this episode and get simple tools to stay in the moment and to boost your self-awareness and intuitive skills to unlock your full potential and unleash your inner confidence.
Listen as Lauren helps you overcome self-doubt, clarify your goals, and move towards your aligned path and joy. She guides you to achieve your dreams with powerful techniques and strategies for letting go of what no longer serves you, and get clear on what you really want and what action steps you need to take.
Learn how to enjoy the present; stay focused and practice mindfulness which helps you stay in this very moment.
“It's a reminder that all we have is right now, this moment. If I'm looking at tomorrow or I'm ruminating on yesterday, I am missing out on this moment. And this moment is all we really have.” – Lauren (02:30)
In This Episode:
- (02:30) – How to stay in the moment.
- (04:10) – How to focus on your breath and why that matters.
- (05:35) – Being your most resilient and confident self.
- (06:55) – How to know what you really want to do?
- (09:10) – Simple tools for confidence and clarity and for letting go.
- (11:01) – How to uplift your mood (quick and easy).
- (11:50) – The number one thing we need for health and happiness.
Resources, Links & Mentions
52 Weeks of Hope
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/lauren-abrams-83b8b421/
- https://www.52weeksofhope.com/
- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyLA7Rb6E0PtKBhPGu1vcjA
- https://www.facebook.com/52weeksofhope/
- https://www.instagram.com/52weeksofhope/
- https://twitter.com/52weeksofhope
- Get your FREE Confidence and Clarity Growth Scorecard
- Schedule your Confidence and Clarity Boost Session with Lauren!

Wednesday Apr 19, 2023
How to Feel Better Now
Wednesday Apr 19, 2023
Wednesday Apr 19, 2023
Do you sometimes look at others and wish you were doing what they are doing? Do you feel like life’s passing you by? Listen and get simple tools to feel empowered now. Learn self-confidence techniques and how to have a voice that’s nurturing, kind, and compassionate, and overcome your limiting beliefs as you create that version of yourself aligned with who you know you are and dream of being.
“And you really do get to have everything you want. You can create a life beyond your wildest dreams. You are entitled to that.” – Lauren (02:11)
In this week’s episode, Lauren gives you real action steps to uplift yourself from within as you take those important steps toward feeling clear and confident. Listen as she highlights how a change of any kind requires action and why you want to surround yourself with like-minded people to live in your purpose and joy.
“Sitting and thinking about feeling better will never happen. You will not think your way into feeling better. You have to take action.”– Lauren (09:00)
“We need to be physically together. So, find some other people, some like-minded people, people who light you up and fill you and tell you that is an amazing idea. You should do that.” – Lauren (18:13)
In This Episode:
- (04:40) – How to feel better right now.
- (06:22) – Fake it till you make it.
- (07:06) – Grounding and journaling.
- (08:45) – Finding like-minded people.
- (10:40) – Benefits of mindfulness meditation.
- (13:07) – 5 regrets of the dying.
- (15:58) – How to make friends as an adult.
- (16:55) – You’ve got to laugh.
- (21:20) – Your protective bubble.
Resources & Links
52 Weeks of Hope
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/lauren-abrams-83b8b421/
- https://www.52weeksofhope.com/
- https://www.youtube.com/@52weeksofhope
- https://www.facebook.com/52weeksofhope/
- https://www.instagram.com/52weeksofhope/
- https://twitter.com/52weeksofhope
- Get your FREE Confidence and Clarity Growth Scorecard
- Schedule your Confidence and Clarity Boost Session with Lauren!
Go to https://www.magicmind.co/hopelauren and get up to 50% off your subscription for the next 10 days with my code HOPELAUREN

Wednesday Apr 12, 2023
Discovering the Magic of Your Purpose with Anjua Maximo
Wednesday Apr 12, 2023
Wednesday Apr 12, 2023
Listen and learn about the power of conquering your limiting beliefs and shutting down your inner critic. Uncover your purpose's magic and learn how to bring your vision to life right now. Discover how to rewire your brain to move right past life's obstacles.
“ I learned to dim my light very early because of my interaction with women. Okay. Yeah, you know, you come in the room and you just learn to actually. Pull it back.” - Anjua (11:35)
Anjua learned how to stop dimming her light and people pleasing and helps you listen to your heart in order to understand feelings and emotions better. Be sure to listen to the entire episode till the end.
“I often ask my clients, how is your heart today? And don't just tell me, fine. How does it feel? Well, it feels expensive, or it feels constricted. It feels tight or it feels jittery. These things help you understand feelings, emotions.” – Anjua (25:45)
Anjua talks about how she successfully taps into her intuitive abilities that make her successful in life and how you can do the same. She encourages you to change even when you’re afraid to take that leap and helps you with simple suggestions.
Anjua gives you her message of hope giving you a confidence boost and some clarity:
“I'm going to say nature is my message of hope, because nature, when we go out into it, when we allow ourselves to actually be present in it, when we can take the time to really observe the beauty around us, I personally feel it's what helps ground me in the reality of the situation because there's a much bigger, more beautiful world out there – Anjua (30:15)
In This Episode:
- (01:55) – How to live your truth.
- (03:25) – How Anjua learned to start speaking her truth.
- (06:53) – Discussion about the foray into coaching.
- (09:56) – Dealing with limiting beliefs.
- (11:47) – How to not dim your light.
- (13:42) – Moving around the country.
- (16:58) – How to stop your inner critic.
- (21:30) – How to avoid the shiny object syndrome.
- (24:29) – Tapping into your intuitive abilities.
- (27:13) – Advice if you are afraid to take the leap.
- (30:12) – A message of hope from Anjua.
Anjua Maximo has been committed to teaching women not to dim their life for over 10 years now. A serial entrepreneur and mom of 2, her journey began out in Los Angeles at the Famed S Factor studio with founder Sheila Kelly. Anjua fell in love with pole and sensual dance and became an instructor, working closely with Sheila Kelly. Her next chapter brought her to Cleveland where Anjua opened up GrooveRyde, a boutique gym with her partner and then set out to create her own company. Anjua Maximo: Life & Sensual Embodiment Coaching opened in 2015 and has helped hundreds of women spark their inner light. Her unique sensual embodiment classes help her clients learn the importance of nurturing their sensuality to build their confidence and self expression in all areas of their lives. Anjua's private life coaching sessions and personal development courses help her clients move past life obstacles, grounding them in their purpose and managing the gremlin voice in their head.
Resources & Links
52 Weeks of Hope
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/lauren-abrams-83b8b421/
- https://www.52weeksofhope.com/
- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyLA7Rb6E0PtKBhPGu1vcjA
- https://www.facebook.com/52weeksofhope/
- https://www.instagram.com/52weeksofhope/
- https://twitter.com/52weeksofhope
- Get your FREE Confidence and Clarity Growth Scorecard
- Schedule your Confidence and Clarity Boost Session with Lauren!
Go to https://www.magicmind.co/hopelauren and get up to 50% off your subscription for the next 10 days with my code HOPELAUREN
Anjua Maximo

Thursday Apr 06, 2023
Thursday Apr 06, 2023
Get connected and inspired by listening to multi-generational healer and author Nina Mongendre as she guides you to overcome obstacles and limiting beliefs and feel empowered from within.
“In family constellations, you actually get to be in service of this person that you've never met. And people are crying like it gets very emotional. And I love that. Like, I love being in a collective with other humans because I think that to me, is how we heal.” – Nina (11:20)
Nina helps you in decision-making and when you’re on the fence about taking a leap toward a better life due to obstacles blocking your way. Her message of hope uplifts:
“So often people will say, it's foolish to hope. I feel it's the opposite. I feel hope is necessary to be a human being. Hope is the wisest thing we can offer ourselves, and there is humility in hope. There is a strength as well, and that's the most beautiful thing.” – Nina (22:26)
Nina shows you how to take control of your body, including simple breathing techniques. Inhale for 3 seconds and then a long exhale repeatedly. This is an action-packed episode that you will surely enjoy!
“I have a body. I am here. Wiggle your toes. Like through our bodies. That's my last message is through your body is how we reconnect to hope and to our own presence and breath, which are the most beautiful gifts we have.” – Nina (18:13)
In This Episode:
- (02:01) – How Oracle cards can help you.
- (06:12) – Taking the leap into the spiritual space.
- (09:18) – Talking about the Wild Woman Project Circle
- (10:30) – Discussing Family Constellations Therapy
- (14:34) – Feeling your feelings and the stories attached to them.
- (17:06) – How and why the first child carries more of the lineage.
- (18:10) – Explaining what you do for a living.
- (20:17) – Advice if you are afraid to take the leap of faith into your dream.
- (22:26) – Nina’s message of hope for you.
- (24:10) – Parting advice for you.
Resources and Links
52 Weeks of Hope
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/lauren-abrams-83b8b421/
- https://www.52weeksofhope.com/
- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyLA7Rb6E0PtKBhPGu1vcjA
- https://www.facebook.com/52weeksofhope/
- https://www.instagram.com/52weeksofhope/
- https://twitter.com/52weeksofhope
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- Schedule your Confidence and Clarity Boost Session with Lauren!
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Nina Mongendre