Are you burnt out? Do you feel like life’s passing you by? Is your inner critic going nonstop? If you’ve been wishing for some kind of shift, you’re in the right place! Listen and learn how to stop the negative voices. Conquer your limiting beliefs and learn how to breathe, laugh, and live in your joy. Find your way to an aligned, clear, and focused path doing what YOU want to do. Get inspired as leaders, healers, and change agents discuss the challenges they’ve overcome as they give you their message of HOPE. Through humor, compassion, and grace, you’re reminded that anything is possible, and it’s never too late to live your purpose, do what lights you up, and create extraordinary things. This podcast is for you if you find yourself asking questions like: - How do I succeed on my self-improvement journey? - What is the most effective meditation technique? - How do I stop feeling so overwhelmed and tired? - Is journaling effective? - How does manifestation work? - What are affirmations? - Is breathwork for me? Learn how to replace your inner critic with a kind, nurturing, and compassionate one. Find your way to personal growth and replace that lack mentality with a mindset of abundance. Listen and feel the magic right away!

Wednesday Aug 31, 2022
5 Life Lessons From the First 100 Episodes
Wednesday Aug 31, 2022
Wednesday Aug 31, 2022
Over our first 100 episodes, we’ve heard so many stories of perseverance, tenacity, compassion and faith. Guests like David Romanelli, Emily Thiroux Threatt, Melissa Hughes, Karen Gamba and more have shared such inspiring stories and powerful messages of hope.
To celebrate our 100th episode today, I wanted to talk about five of the most important life lessons we’ve heard so far.
These lessons seem to be common themes in the messages our guests have shared, and they’re also lessons I’ve had the opportunity to put to use in my own life as well.
If you haven’t had the chance to listen to all 100 episodes yet, are just getting started, or just want a refresher, this episode will round up a few of the most unmissable life lessons we’ve heard – and inspire you for the next 100 episodes to come.
In This Episode
- (0:48) The genesis of 52 Weeks of Hope
- (03:15) Lesson #1: Imposter syndrome
- (07:16) Lesson #2: Connection
- (14:23) Lesson #3: Everyone has a message
- (17:38) Lesson #4: Enjoy the process
- (20:19) Lesson #5: Community
Resources & Links
52 Weeks of Hope

Wednesday Aug 24, 2022
Creating Your Dream Life with Jim Palmer
Wednesday Aug 24, 2022
Wednesday Aug 24, 2022
Ever wish you could quit your job and sell your house to live on a boat and run your dream business?
For most of us, it’s just a fantasy – but for coach, mentor and video marketer Jim Palmer, it’s real life.
In 2016, following a termination at work and a cancer diagnosis, Jim, his wife and their four kids decided to follow their dreams – by selling their home in Philadelphia and moving onto a house boat.
Living his dream lifestyle and running his dream business, Jim now teaches others how to do the same.
Today, Jim joins me to talk about saying yes to your dreams, why working with a coach can be invaluable, strategies for success he provides to his clients, and why perfectionism holds you back.
“There's an expression: Perfectionism or perfectionist is a label you wear. So it doesn't have to be your fault. In other words, what holds most people back from kind of pulling the trigger, launching, writing, publishing, whatever is, ‘I'm afraid of what people will say if it's not perfect.’ People become worried. … Make a decision as an entrepreneur, author, coach, speaker, whatever, just choose that you wanna be judged on the information that you share and not the imperfect way in which you share it. I've told so many of my clients that, and they're like, wow, that really works.” – Jim (08:47)
Jim also shares his techniques for overcoming challenges, and talks about how he helps other small business owners and entrepreneurs create their own dream lives.
“I believe that everybody is here for a reason. I believe we're here to serve each other. I think everybody has a God-given skill or talent. So you can either just use that in your private life, or if you happen to use that skill or talent and make it a business, become a small business owner. That's good too, because when you fully take control of your life – and that's what I mean by the dream business dream lifestyle – the best way you can control your own life and destiny is to actually create it yourself, create your own economy, create your own future.” – Jim (27:47)
In This Episode
- (03:17) Taking the leap to become “boat people”
- (05:49) What if you just say yes?
- (08:28) How Jim helps people find their paths
- (13:53) Jim’s top tools he gives his coaching clients
- (14:54) Why working with a coach is imperative
- (15:40) Jim’s story
- (18:56) “The views just started going up”
- (23:26) The hardest challenge Jim has overcome
- (26:13) What do you do when you feel like giving up?
- (27:47) Jim’s message of hope
Jim Palmer is the founder of the Dream Business Mastermind and Coaching Program, creator of Dream Business Academy, and host of weekly podcast Dream Business Radio. Jim is also the author of several books, including “Decide: The Ultimate Success Trigger,” “It’s Okay to Be Scared…But Never Give Up,” and “Just Say Yes! Create A Dream Business and Live Your Dream Lifestyle.”
Resources & Links
52 Weeks of Hope
Jim Palmer

Wednesday Aug 17, 2022
Forging a New Path with Dani Reardon
Wednesday Aug 17, 2022
Wednesday Aug 17, 2022
When our path is no longer spiritually fulfilling, we must pivot to something that is.
Today’s guest is former bodybuilding champion Dani Reardon, whose intense spiritual journey is the result of pivoting from professional bodybuilding to yoga, energy work and starting her own company, Conscious Champion.
“My nickname was Little Monster Star. People didn't even know me by Dani. They just knew me by like my tagline and through Instagram and stuff. They're like, I didn't even know your name. And so I didn't even know how much my identity was fully in the bodybuilding world until I left. And I was just like this scared, naked out in the world, ‘who am I’ kind of person?” – Dani (09:20)
In this episode, Dani shares how competitive bodybuilding eventually led her to a new path towards spirituality, the dark night of the soul she endured to find her true identity, and how our perspective shapes the way we perceive dark and light in the universe.
“One of my favorite quotes by Albert Einstein is , ‘Do you believe you live in a friendly or a hostile universe?’ And I believe I live in a friendly universe, even if hostile things happen to me. It's a lesson, it's here to teach me and help me grow and evolve. It's my school at that moment. And so I think it's about our perspective.” – Dani (16:18)
Dani also shares the message of hope she learned during her journey to find herself, and discusses why we are more than our physical forms:
“For people out there who are maybe struggling with body image issues, or even the voices in their head, you're not either of those things. You're not the body. You're not the mind. And I know because I've achieved greatness with both of those and it still wasn't me, still wasn't who I was. Who you are is so much more vast and so much more infinite and energetic and connected to everything.” – Dani (25:49)
In This Episode
- (01:13) Dani’s career as a bodybuilding champion
- (03:49) Dani’s dark night of the soul
- (06:17) Dani’s graduate degree, arrest and spiritual awakening
- (07:47) “The Force is real.”
- (08:43) Pivoting from bodybuilding to yoga
- (10:55) Teaching yoga, and passing on knowledge to kids
- (11:51) The genesis of Conscious Champion
- (15:45) “How are you so happy all the time?”
- (17:22) Dani’s advice for those who are struggling
- (21:07) The hardest challenge Dani has overcome
- (25:49) Dani’s message of hope
About Dani Reardon
Former bodybuilding champion Dani Reardon is an energy coach, podcast host and CEO of Conscious Champion, which helps people connect their bodies to their minds for greater success in sports, competition and life.
Resources & Links
Dani Reardon

Wednesday Aug 10, 2022
The Seven Secrets of Self-Confidence
Wednesday Aug 10, 2022
Wednesday Aug 10, 2022
We all know that person – someone who’s so self-possessed, so self-assured, that they never seem to need to think about what to do, or how to dress, or what to say. Everything just seems to happen for these people!
And it leaves the rest of us wondering, “How do they seem to have it all together?”
Well, there’s no secret sauce or special pill – it’s really just self-confidence!
For some, it’s a natural gift. For others, it takes some work. But the good news is, everybody can learn to be confident.
Join me today as I share my seven secrets of self-confidence.
In This Episode
- (01:36) Fake it til you make it
- (03:16) Feeling your feelings as a means of self-soothing
- (04:56) Compare and despair
- (07:25) Give yourself grace
- (10:51) Replacing negative self-talk with positive
- (13:52) Have clear goals
- (17:18) Remember that the future is friendly!
Resources & Links
- www.52weeksofhope.com
- www.youtube.com/channel/UCyLA7Rb6E0PtKBhPGu1vcjA
- www.facebook.com/52weeksofhope
- www.instagram.com/52weeksofhope
- www.twitter.com/52weeksofhope

Wednesday Aug 03, 2022
Following Your Calling with Karen Gamba
Wednesday Aug 03, 2022
Wednesday Aug 03, 2022
Today’s guest Karen Gamba has endured challenges most of us can’t even imagine. Growing up in South Africa during apartheid, Karen eventually came to the U.S. and built a successful career in corporate America.
But when she realized a corporate career didn’t feed her soul, she took on another challenge: leaving the security of her longtime 9 to 5 to start not one but two companies – PR agency ExV Agency and nonprofit Women Building Women.
In this episode, Karen shares how she found the strength to follow her true calling, the ways in which apartheid shaped her desire to help marginalized women through Women Building Women, and how she found her joy.
“So often we just stay in a life and a lane that just doesn't fuel us. I often speak about the fact that I know so many people whose bank accounts might be running over, but their souls are empty and they just feel so depleted and sad and finding that happy medium of, you know, of course you want success. You want to put bread on the table. You want to support your family and live a comfortable life. But if you are not there in body, mind and soul to be a part of that journey because you're so depleted from a job or a career that doesn't fuel you, then what is the point?” – Karen (01:41)
Karen also talks about the role of vulnerability in pursuing your dreams, how to start listening to that little voice of change, and shares her unique message of hope.
“You just keep going. And the universe starts meeting you and everything starts showing up to match what it is you wanna do. And it all just starts showing up. It just does. Everything is happening for your highest good. The future is friendly.” – Karen (29:19)
In This Episode
- (01:41) How Karen found the strength to leave corporate America and follow her true calling
- (03:28) Coming to the U.S. from South Africa
- (07:31) Karen’s advice for those struggling to find their joy
- (10:23) Becoming aware of our inner dialogue
- (13:50) Growing up in South Africa during apartheid
- (17:58) Starting non-profit Women Building Women
- (22:14) The hardest challenge Karen has overcome
- (25:53) Karen’s strategies for dealing with stress, and getting in touch with your higher self
- (34:48) Karen’s message of hope
Personal branding specialist Karen Gamba left corporate America to follow her true calling as co-founder and CEO of PR agency ExV Agency, as well as co-founder of Women Building Women, a nonprofit that supports marginalized women through educational, mentorship and career strategies.
Resources & Links
52 Weeks of Hope
Karen Gamba

Wednesday Jul 27, 2022
The Power of Auras with Dominic Zenden
Wednesday Jul 27, 2022
Wednesday Jul 27, 2022
Today’s guest Dominic Zenden has a unique ability – to see a person’s aura. He’s been doing it since childhood and has used his gift in every aspect of his life, from working in the prison system to helping people find their best match based on looking at color photographs.
“I think that we can all do it. It can be a new thing for the world to be able to understand that we all have this AIC field, this energy, this frequency, this vibration that is working with us and we can all do it. So why aren't we aware of it? It's something that as soon as we become aware of it, it becomes real. And there's nothing better than personal experience to make something come real. And that's really what I'm about.”
In today’s episode, Dominic talks about how he discovered his gifts as a child, how he works from photographs, how you can use energy and consciousness to manifest your best life, what time is and isn’t, and more.
“I think that everyone should live with the gratitude for everything that they have in their life, whatever it is because everything that we go through is there designed to help us understand something, whether it's a good situation or whether it's a difficult situation, it's there for us to actually grow and develop and realize the gratitude of life should be your hope. Watching the birds sing in the morning should be your hope. Looking at your children, grow and become amazing. Adults should be your hope. There's so much there that shows you that life is about hope. And so if you want to feel hope, just look around you.”
In This Episode
- (01:16) Discovering Dominic’s childhood gifts
- (05:36) Working from photos
- (08:35) The difference between feeling a room vs feeling a person
- (10:31) How language gets in the way
- (14:49) Manifesting your best life
- (20:56) The hardest challenge Dominic’s overcome
- (24:08) Time
- (42:03) Grounding tools
- (44:23) Dominic’s message of hope
About the Guest
Dominic Zenden is an author, magazine columnist, and speaker who uses his natural abilities to sense auras in order to create detailed profiles from photos. He is the host of the podcast Twisted & Misunderstood.
52 Weeks of Hope
- www.52weeksofhope.com
- www.youtube.com/channel/UCyLA7Rb6E0PtKBhPGu1vcjA
- www.facebook.com/52weeksofhope
- www.instagram.com/52weeksofhope
- www.twitter.com/52weeksofhope
Dominic Zenden
- www.myndsite.org
- www.linkedin.com/in/dominic-zenden-86198873/?originalSubdomain=uk
- https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/twisted-misunderstood-dominic-j-zenden/id1531496737

Thursday Jul 21, 2022
The Importance of Mindfulness and Meditation with Michelle Windmueller
Thursday Jul 21, 2022
Thursday Jul 21, 2022
Do you really, truly, deeply feel your emotions? Or do you try to stuff them down and ignore them?
Today’s guest, certified IM Trainer and lifelong educator Michelle Windmueller, tried therapy and medication, but didn’t fully experience her emotions until after retirement, when she began meditating for the first time.
“I was so grateful to my first meditation teacher just for saying to me that every emotion is okay, even rage is okay. It's just okay. Feel it as an emotion. What did I learn is it would last, what 90 seconds, if I didn't feed it with a story. And so I stopped feeding my emotions with stories and I just felt them. And they dissipated what emerged was a sense of peace that I had never, ever experienced in my entire life. And that's what I teach people today. I want people to feel that sense of peace without running a marathon, ‘cuz I know the endorphins will happen, but meditation can give you that same kind of high, that same sense of serenity.”
In this episode, Michelle shares how discovering meditation helped her cope with trauma, infertility, strengthened her marriage, and helped her feel a new sense of peace.
She also discusses her journey to becoming a certified IM Trainer, her work as a mindfulness teacher, the power of intuition and the importance of allowing yourself to feel your emotions.
In This Episode
- (01:04) Why Michelle’s retirement was just the beginning
- (04:03) Michelle’s meditation journey
- (09:19) How meditation also helped improve Michelle’s marriage
- (11:21) Tapping into your intuition
- (14:16) Navigating relationship and family drama
- (17:21) The hardest challenge Michelle has overcome
- (22:42) Michelle’s message of hope
Michelle Windmueller is a certified IM Trainer at Inner Matrix Systems, which teaches meditation, mindfulness and personal mastery.
With a PhD from the University of Southern California, Michelle served as an educator for 45 years.
She teaches meditation and mindfulness to private students and continues to work with schools and universities to transform classrooms into places of greater learning, kindness and understanding.
52 Weeks of Hope
Subscribe to my Youtube Channel
Michelle Windmueller

Wednesday Jul 13, 2022
The Power of Classical Chinese Medicine with Chris Shelton
Wednesday Jul 13, 2022
Wednesday Jul 13, 2022
Nobody knows you better than you know yourself. In Qigong, a holistic classical Chinese approach to health and wellness, this idea is known as “the superior doctor” – and today’s guest, healer and teacher Chris Shelton, tells us how we can each become our own superior doctor.
“We have a saying that the superior doctor is one that could prevent disease before disease sets in. The great thing about Qigong is that it creates an awareness within yourself to where you become your own superior doctor. So our big mission is self-empowerment.”
Chris found Qigong after a difficult childhood, multiple heart attacks and a painful back injury that left him feeling hopeless. In this episode, he shares how classical Chinese medicine changed his mind, his outlook, and his life – and how it could change yours, too.
“The style of Qigong that I teach is for your mental, emotional wellness, because according to classical Chinese medicine, the leading cause of death and disease besides poor diet is emotional trauma. And what's amazing is that when I see a patient in clinic, I have so many tools to diagnose or assess the situation. I could take their pulse. I could look at their tongue just like the acupuncturists, but one of the favorite things I like to do is look at a person's face. And every feature on a person's face tells me a story of how the person thinks – what kind of trauma that they've been through, their personality.”
Chris also shares his journey as a healer, how he’s seen people change their lives with Qigong and tai chi, where the body stores trauma and his message of hope.
“Even in the darkest hour, always hold onto that little glimmer of light because the light will always outshine the darkness. Don't get caught up into the negativity, look at the light and you be that beacon of light because in order to create change, you have to change yourself. And how do you change yourself? You change your paradigm for which you think. So in order for you to be that beacon and light, yes, educate yourself. Be aware of what's going on in the world, but be that beacon of light and be mindful over what you think.”
In This Episode
- (01:05) What Qigong and tai chi are
- (03:31) Chris’ story, his journey as a healer and how he became a tai chi master
- (08:20) Reducing stress and pain by tapping into your chi
- (12:31) Breathing through stored trauma
- (25:43) The root of pain
- (31:32) The hardest challenge Chris has overcome
- (36:54) Chris’ message of hope
Chris Shelton is a healer, teacher and Qigong master who has dedicated his life to helping people reduce stress and pain. He has worked with professional athletes, Special Olympics teams, and celebrities and thousands of others around the world.
Chris is the founder of Morning Crane Healing Arts Center in California, co-created The Qi Club and Qigong Teacher Training and is the author of “Qigong for Self-Refinement.”
Resources & Links
52 Weeks of Hope
Subscribe to my Youtube Channel
Chris Shelton

Wednesday Jul 06, 2022
The Meaning of Life Revealed
Wednesday Jul 06, 2022
Wednesday Jul 06, 2022
Nobody gets through life unscathed, especially these days. What we need to get through the darkness is the promise of light.
So I interviewed a huge variety of very different people, all from unique backgrounds and beliefs – from rabbis to doctors to storytellers and everyone in between – and asked them what they’d gleaned from just living life.
I noticed their messages had certain things in common – overarching messages of hope that I’ve compiled into what I call The Meaning of Life.
In these messages you’ll hear people talk about their deepest struggles, self-doubt, despair – but you’ll also hear them share about what got them through those times. Self-compassion. Gratitude. Resilience.
And above all, hope.
So join me in this episode as we discover The Meaning of Life together.
52 Weeks of Hope

Thursday Jun 30, 2022
Finding Your Purpose with Melissa Hughes
Thursday Jun 30, 2022
Thursday Jun 30, 2022
How can we find the strength to persevere through darkness? Is holding on through adversity worth the struggle? How can we find our purpose when times are hard and faith is low?
Today’s guest, entrepreneur, influencer and business coach Melissa Hughes, inspires us with her story of finding purpose and establishing a wildly successful career after losing her job, postpartum depression, struggling through the pandemic with two small children and living overseas.
“I felt like my faith was really like being restored in the sense of knowing like, we go through hard things,” Melissa says. “It really kind of showed me that just because you go through a valley season doesn't mean that, you know, you're a bad person or you failed or anything like that. It just means that you're living a very profound life, you know? And being able to go through something hard and come out through it is a profound life.”
In this episode, Melissa shares how her faith fueled her journey to success, the importance of hope, and how you can find your purpose even – and especially – in darkness.
“The thing that carried me is the hope, you know, even when I was in the middle of questioning my faith and everything like that,” Melissa tells us. “There was still that hope that I know that somehow all of this is not gonna be wasted, but it's gonna be used for something always, always. [My story] encourages people that if you're really, truly in a dark, truly dark place, that hope is not lost.”
In This Episode
- (01:52) Melissa’s story
- (05:49) Establishing community and inspiring faith while living overseas with two small children
- (09:19) Finding TikTok and how Melissa started out of her darkness
- (15:22) “The best wakeup call of my life”
- (18:39) Melissa’s advice for those struggling with faith
- (24:08) The most difficult challenge Melissa’s overcome
- (28:51) Melissa’s message of hope
About Melissa
Melissa Hughes is a Speaker, TikTok Influencer and Amazon best selling author. She has been booked twice on The Kelly Clarkson Show and has hundreds of thousands of followers on TikTok for her motherhood content. She just released her first kids book called, "Mommy Loves You When" and also has written "She Can Laugh: A Guide to Living Spiritually Emotionally and Physically Healthy". She has done missionary work in Wales UK and now resides in Grand Rapids Mi with her husband and two kids.
52 Weeks of Hope
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Melissa Hughes